Chapter one.

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"What?" Klaus says his face void of emotion
"I know it's impossible..." I start to say.
"What are you saying?" Klaus asks his voice is unpredictable and it makes me nervous.
"Niklaus...the girl is carrying your child." Elijah says

And here is the reaction. He doesn't believe.

"No. It's impossible." He says and just like me dismisses all the possibilities of it being true.

"I said the same thing myself." Elijah says.
"This is a lie. You are all lying. Vampires cannot procreate." He shouts.

"But werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You're the Original hybrid, the first of your kind. And this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes." Sophie says.

"You've been with someone else, admit it!" Klaus screams at me.
"Hey, I've spent days held captive in a bloody swamp because they think that I'm carrying some magical miracle baby. Don't you think I would've fessed up if it wasn't yours?" I argue back at him. Hayley was holding my hand for support.

"My sister gave her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm this pregnancy. Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us. We can keep them save. Or we can kill them. If you don't help us take down Marcel, so help me, Hayley won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress." Sophie.

"Wait, what?" Hayley says.
"I'm gunna kill her." I go to step forward but Hayley holds me back.

"Enough of this. If you want Marcel dead, he's dead. I'll do it myself." Elijah says
No! We can't, not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow, and there are rules." Sophie says
"Fuck your rules!" I shout at her.

"How dare you command me, threaten me, with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weaknesses. This is a pathetic deception. I won't hear any more lies." Klaus shouts annoyed.

"Niklaus!... Listen." Elijah says.
I feel uncomfortable when they all stare at me. Listening to the babies heartbeat. God I'm jealous. 

"Kill her and the baby. What do I care?" Klaus says and leaves. Tears threaten to spill when I hear those words. But I push them back. I need to be strong.  Fuck klaus. I don't need him.

"Screw this. I'm getting us out of here." Hayley says.

"No one touches the girl. I'll fix this." Elijah says


The whole time they were gone me and Hayley sat in silence anticipating what was to come.
Then Elijah appeared and we both stood up.
"The witches have allowed you to come with me. I've got somewhere we can stay." Elijah says we both nod and follow.

As soon as we get there me and Hayley choose a room and she goes straight to sleep. In the morning  I wake up early and leave Hayley in bed. She slept in my old room with me.

I go to a room and start pulling dirty sheets of furniture. I pull of the sheet on a crib and cough because of the dust.

"Are you alright?" Elijah asks.
"Just dust. This place is ancient. I remember when we stayed here. All the parties." I say and Elijah smiles.

"Yes, it should serve our purposes. It's a sanctuary from our business in the Quarter. Right now, you are the most important person in this family. You need a good home. So I'm curious... in all this time, has anyone asked you how you feel?" Elijah asks.

"About having a miracle baby with a psychotic one-night-stand?" I say sarcastically.

"About being a mother." Elijah asks.

"My birth killed my mam. My dad hated me. My eldest sister, Caroline was always a mother figure for Elena. So I guess I've never really had a mother. So I don't know how I should feel right now." I admit.

"I will always protect you and Hayley. You have my word on that. "

I smile when he mentions Hayley and go to say something but klaus appears.

"And noble Elijah always keeps his word. " klaus says and I roll my eyes.

"Is it done?" Elijah asks.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Your underhanded deal worked quite well. Marcel was only too happy to accept my blood even as he accepted my heartfelt apologies. His man, Thierry, yet lives and I remain a welcome guest in the French Quarter. My only concern now is this coven of impudent witches." Klaus says.

"I believe them to be honorable. They did release Hayley and Estella to me. Although, they haven't been entirely forthcoming. Marcel obviously has something that they need. They don't want him dead. There must be a reason why." Elijah says.

I'm hungry. I leave them to their conspiring and make a sandwich.

I hope Hayley stays with me. I need a friend who isn't the mikaelson's. If she said she was leaving I would want to go with her. But I know for a fact klaus and Elijah will not let me leave. Do I want this baby?

Am I being cruel by letting this child be born into the mikaelson's drama? Me and klaus both have a lot of enemies? What am I going to do?!

God my life actually sucks.

First chapter up. Hope you guys like it.

Also could you please check out the new stories I'm writing. The first one is evangeline Salvatore. It's about stefan and Damon's great great something niece who is an immortal witch. The second is hope-less and it's about klaus' daughter and based on the season
Three plot line of the originals.

Thanks guys and if you have any ideas you would like put in this book message me.

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