Counting stars

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Other than a couple of day dreams that floated through my head about Benedict, the rest of the flight was dreamless. It was a rather peaceful time for me to collect my thoughts, though. I figured out the next couple of places I'll apply to when I get back home. I'll be alright. After several hours of makeshift meditation and movie after movie, I was overjoyed to hear the pilot announce our arrival within the next hour.

I got out of my "bed" on the plane and made my way over to the bathroom. I stared down my long, blonde hair in the mirror. No matter how hard I tried to tame it, the beast that is my hair will always do it's own thing. I brushed it with my fingers the best I could, tied the loose strands into a braid, and then reestablished my old, favorite beanie to appear somewhat put together.

Curly pieces stuck out several which ways, but it looked cute overall. I readjusted everything I was wearing, from my light pink and white stripped shirt, to my jeans. I had a winter coat in my carry on, knowing the weather wouldn't be too easy on us, arriving in England in November and all. I wiped the smudged makeup from under my eyes, and prepared for landing.


"Can you believe we're actually in London?!" Joslynn's 'free spirit' was showing... Right in the middle of a ton of people. She stopped and swayed with her luggage in the London airport.

"Can't you just hear the music of it all? Oh, Elizabeth, it's beautiful!" I rolled my eyes.

"Joslynn, calm down. Your tourist is showing," I smirked mischievously at her.

"No, once I take my camera out, it will!" Joslynn pulled out her Cannon camera and started snapping pictures of the inside of the airport.

"Oh my goodness..." We waited alongside the luggage carousel for what seemed like an eternity. Joslynn was wondering about the gifts shops, and I became more and more anxious that my luggage was not coming.

"Sir, why did the carousel stop? My luggage hasn't come yet," I asked a tall, black man in an airport uniform.

"I'd say go to information because that means it most likely didn't catch it's flight," the man said flippantly and continued walking.

"Of course. I mean, why NOT lose my luggage!" I huffed as I tracked down Joslynn. We waited in line at the informations desk for at least half an hour.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am. Please wait over there while I try to track down your bags for you," an overly smiley desk girl said to me. I mimicked her enthusiastic tone, earning a giggle from Jos. Both of us zoned out and laying on the empty row of seats, our attention was captured by a bustling crowd of men that walked towards the exit. Joslynn immediately stood up, not caring about the attention and tried to get a look at the crowd coming through.

"Oh my gosh! That's Jude Law!" Joslynn tried her best to whisper but came out as a muffled, excited yell. Several people's attention turned to the crowd and suddenly Jude was rushed out of the door, to an awaiting car. I got up from the bench and rubbed my eyes. I was irritated by the wait for my luggage, so I decided to go check my makeup. I made my way down the hall to the bathroom. Joslynn ran up behind me, trying to be discreet, but failing miserably.

"Keep your eyes peeled for other famous people. I just heard someone say that several men just flew in from a New Zealand shoot of another Jane Austen movie being made out there," Joslynn whispered, with a cheeky grin.

"Don't worry, I'll be looking," I winked and headed down the hall.

Once I finished using the bathroom, I exhaled deeply, staring at myself in the mirror. 'Just relax. Everything will get worked out. You're in London, and you need to enjoy it,' I was thinking what our next move would be if they find my luggage, or the opposite if they don't. I rounded the corner to head back to the front desk when I plowed directly into the chiseled chest of a man, which might as well have been a wall. My bag flew from my hands and I undoubtedly knocked something of his on the loose. The musty, man smell of cologne filled my senses, and in a daze I looked up to the man I had ran into.

"Are you alright, darling?" A brilliant British accent dripped from his voice as he ran a hand through his dark, gelled hair. His bright blue eyes flashed with curiosity as they traveled all over my face, taking in every detail. A smile cracked on his beautiful lips and the scruff on his jaw highlighted his marvelous cheekbones. I recognized him instantly. I slowly nodded my head to let him know I was alright.

"Oh bloody hell..." He trailed off as he bent down to pick up my bag, and the things that had fallen out of it.

"Oh my...." I got on my knees to assist him, still in shock that I was in his presence.

"Come here often?" Tom Hiddleston chuckled at his own joke, knowing it wasn't something that I do everyday. He glanced up from my bag in his hands and placed it in mine while we never broke eye contact.

"Oh yeah, I certainly knock handsome men over so I can get him to gentlemanly pick up my bag and make my stomach turn in knots," we both giggled at my last statement.

"You're from America?" Tom asked, readjusting his maroon scarf around his neck.

"Yes, I'm actually here with my best friend. And I know this sounds crazy, but she's a really big fan of you..." I trailed off, trying to bring Joslynn into the conversation, knowing she'd hate me if I met Tom Hiddleston without her.

"That's sweet. Is she anywhere near as lovely as you?" Tom smiled down at me, as my cheeks flushed and butterflies ran wild in my stomach from the compliment.

"Are you just now getting in? I really don't mean to be forward, Elizabeth, but I just happen to have two extra tickets to a performance tonight. My best lad, Benedict Cumberbatch is making his debut in the show Frankenstein tonight, and I cannot find anyone to take these tickets. Will you and your friend do me the honor of accompanying me?" Tom asked me, with the most innocent and sincere smile spread on his face.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, taken aback by the offer.

"It's on the inside of your bag, ma'am," he nodded.

"Ahh, well.... My friend Joslynn and I are staying at the Biltmore..."

"I'll be in the lobby at seven," he grabbed my hand and kissed it softly with his eyes still looking into mine.

"Thank you," I said, still in shock and not knowing what to say.

"I'll be seeing you," Tom half smiled, bowed like a gentleman, and then continued down the hall. My eyes travelled back and forth between the tickets in my hand and the beautiful actor walking away from me.

"Is this even possible...." I regained the feeling in my legs, and tried to walk as calmly as I could to information.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2013 ⏰

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