Why do i feel this way

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Tyler/wildcat p.o.v
"Tyler why'd you do that" Evan yells at me
"Cause she's new I can bet she'll be a nobody" I yelled
At that moment I realized how much of a dick I've been
"Wow I'm such a dick" I muttered
"Yeah you are" Evan said
"You made her bleed" delirious said
"Wait hold on, I'm not that strong I couldn't have made her bleed" I said
"Then how else..."Evan trails off
Evan then starts to get a worried expression on his face
"Guys what if she c-cuts" Evan stammered
I went wide eyed
I then thought...
She's so beautiful
I think I li- no I can't
Maybe it's just pity
"Wait guys maybe she's going to continue we have to stop her"Evan said
"What can us three do" I said with disbelief
"Let's round up the guys" Delirious said
"I sent them a text, they're coming "
I hope she's ok i thought
Meanwhile at y/n house
Y/N pov
I woke up
Your worthless
Your ugly
"Shut up SHUT up SHUT UP" I yelled
Then I realized that I was screaming at myself
10 cuts
Well the heart wants what it wants
10 cuts then
I started to sing my old suicide poem
"One cuts,
Two cuts,
Three cuts,
Come on darling what's one more?
Five cuts,
Six cuts,
Seven cuts,
Oh what a mess I will create"
My vision started to blur
I'll be with you soon God
Just then I heard some voices
I then saw a man pick me up and carry me I didn't see the rest I blacked out...
Hope you enjoyed that chapter sorry that it's short leave a comment and don't forget to follow me
Bye my little pups

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