Spirit world

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Its a joyful sound but given the circumstances it horrifies her spine. A quick turn sends her from terror to shock in a second. "Have you no shame?Is that how you greet an old woman?" the excited voice continues. Approaching the voice's direction cautiously, "Grandma, How did you..? what are you..?" she tries to find words in her puzzled thoughts. "You summoned for me, i heard your whispering voice". She gives her grandmother a big hug. She doesn't feel alone anymore, but she's more lost than ever

 She doesn't feel alone anymore, but she's more lost than ever

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"Whats going on?am I..dead? she wondered, watching and touching herself. "You are very much alive child, now more than ever" her grandmother smiled. "why is that?how can i see you?touch you?" even more lost. "You are in touch with yourself, one with your spiritual world" Grandma explained as she walks around with her staff on hand. "There's so much you don't remember after the accident i know.." "Accident?what accident Grandma?" "A terrible one for sure, one that took your whole family and sent you in to a three months comma. It was the weekend we buried your grandfather, your father suggested i come stay with you and your mother. We were on way later that day when the shadows came, controlling your father's body, steering the car off road down the valley. But you survived, you woke up a new person with no memory"

Shocked and furious, the guardian has tears on her now glowing eyes

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Shocked and furious, the guardian has tears on her now glowing eyes. "The shadows, I saw the shadows, i know what they do to people" she cried out. "These shadows took us way, they took your husband and child too" Grandma revealed "But we are all part of you, and you can summon us when you need us" "But how do i fight them?where do they come from?"

"Long ago, when i was a teen, it was revealed i had a calling like my elders before me. I was sent to the valley of life for the initiation, there i met others like me. But we were not all same, one was greedy for power, she misused it. There were two serpents, green representing life's healing power, and black representing death and destruction. She sucked the black serpent's venom and with it diluted her mind and heart, her eyes like a demon. She would roam unknown worlds, destroy the weak and befriend the powerful. It was all revealed at the crowning ceremony, she wouldn't be crowned with us. A deadly hour rained upon us!

She blew black mist and infected some of us with her dark cloud. Sister fighting sister, friend killing friend, it was tragic! At the end she was outnumbered and overpowered, that's when she teleported to the outer world. She would reappear with her infected strange beasts from time to time, and we trapped them into powerful prisons. But she found a way to mount their spirits into random bodies like demons. The only way to be free is to return to the valley of life and touch the green serpent, but its heavily guarded ever since. So they target the guardian stones, a diamond filled with green venom. So powerful one with its power can burn the shadows and their dark queen. Don't delay, she is building an army, she robs many lives into her own world. Take this staff, you have the power within you, use it to heal the world, rid the world of this evil. Remember, fight a good fight, and we are all just a whisper away.." Grandma's voice fades with her body

The door is violently knocked down, bringing the puzzled guardian to her senses. The detective with tens of task force police fill the house. "Mam put the staff down and get on your knees" Khumalo in a soft proud voice. Grandma's words stayed with her, "fight a good fight". So she knelt, putting the staff gentle on the floor. "All clear" shouts the policemen as they finish searching the house. Two policemen rush to the guardian, kicking the staff away and cuffing her. "Why is it that everywhere you go we find a corpse? with strange marks on their faces? who are you really? or should i say what are you?" Khumalo questions.

 "Why is it that everywhere you go we find a corpse? with strange marks on their faces? who are you really? or should i say what are you?" Khumalo questions

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"This is more than you could understand, you should leave this and go home while you can" She warns. "Are you threatening me? the law? are you insulting all these officers? Khumalo on the fury train. "I respect you and your men, but as you already noticed this is something else, its different from any crime you solved.." "My job is to take you back in to stand trial, and by my count now six dead and one heavily injured, going crazy too judging by the things he mumble about" interrupts Khumalo. "Free me they are coming!" She shouts, "who's coming?" the policemen laughed. "I can help you, let me go" "take her away". They help her stand, heading for the door.

The shadows storm the room from all directions, mounting some of the policemen. Khumalo and the remaining force witness as their peers change from good to evil. The demon eyes policemen open fire! "Take cover!" Khumalo screams. "Free me i can help" the guardian negotiated, but they left her to take cover. Looking around the room she could see he staff, she somehow attract it to her hand like a magnet. The cuffs melt off as the edges of her body glow. A big clear diamond like crystal on the staff fills with her green glow. She starts fighting off the infected, but the shadows only dismount from one body to the next. She stands with the staff pointing on the ceiling, mumbling some enchanting words. The staff crystal discharges the energy on it, sending everyone flying to the walls. The shadows burnt with nowhere to escape.

She walks around, men laying all over the floor. "Help me" Khumalo whisper from a corner, he has been shot. She walks to him, tears on his left eye, a wound on his chest. She kneel down beside him, blowing on her hands long but gentle. The other surviving men are up now watching. Rubbing her palms on each other and a clear lotion like gel forms. Gently applying it on his wound while chanting some song. His flesh regenerates and the wound heals. The men are shocked, kneeling before her and cheering

[foot note- Hello everyone. Thank you for reading and i hope you like but mostly enjoyed this third episode. If you did please vote and leave me a comment. If you did not like it please advice me on where and how i could make it better 😃 N.B- this is based on a TV series idea i been working on and only adapted for wattpad. If anyone can help me with the series cover art or episode banners please let me know]

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