It's after thanksgiving. Josh and Maya aren't officially dating but they pretty much act like it. They are snapchatting now. Also Josh is living with Corey.
Maya- hey
Josh- hey
Maya- thanksgiving was
Josh- yeah. Sorry
Maya- it's okay.
Josh- so what now.
Maya- so. Wanna play truth or dare?
Josh- ummm... I guess
Maya- truth or dare?
Josh- dare.
Maya- take your shirt off and send me a picture
Josh- okay?Maya- that's good, very good.
Josh- truth or dare?
Maya- truth
Josh- ever sent nudes before? If not, would you let me be your first?
Maya- no, and yes.
Josh- okay
Maya- truth or dare?
Josh- dare.
Maya- take your pants off and send a picture
Josh does so.
Josh- truth or dare?
Maya- dare.
Josh- take your shirt off, if you are comfortable with doing so.
Maya- sure, sounds perfect.
She sends a picture of her in her bra and Cory walks in Josh's room as Josh sees it.
Corey- what was that?!?!
Josh- uummmm
Corey- who was that?!
Josh- ummmm
Corey- answers Josh! Answers!!
Josh- ummm