Age 5

10 2 2

Miracle P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mommy told me that her friends are coming over with their kids so me and my big brother Logan can play with while they catch up. I don't understand what "catch up" means. Like catch up with something i don't know. All I know is other people are coming. I'm to shy so I might stay hiding behind big brother.

Logan P.O.V////////////////////////////

Today my mom told me and my sis that her friends are coming over with their kids. Hopefully they are not mean and hurt Miracle. What I'm protective of my little sister. Mom told me they're the same age as Miracle so I have to be the responsible one. I'm 10 of course you leave your responsibility to your 10 year old. At least I make the rules for now.

\\\\\\\\door bell rings\\\\\\\\\\\


"Mira, Logan! Come say hi!" My mommy yelled. Oh no what if they're mean to me or if they hate me. Me and big brother run down stairs. I see five kids that look my age. "H...hi," I stuttered. "Hello" my big brother said cheerfully. I stayed behind my big brother. A girl with black reddish hair and black color eyes " Hi my name is Allison." Said in a cheerful mood. "Katelyn" said a girl with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. "Armin" said a boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes. "Hi I'm Tristen" said a boy with silver hair and blue eyes. Then I saw a boy with black hair and black eyes. "What's y...our," I studer. "Seth," he said.
"Hey why don't you kids go play outside with the tours,"my mommy said. As soon as mommy said that I ran to get my toy sword. I never liked being a princess or whatever they call them. I like being the one that saves people. The knight in shining armor.


Mom told us to play outside. I saw Miracle run to her room probably to get her toy sword. Hehe she always wanted to be a knight in shining armor. Hopefully these kids don't make fun of her for that. "Hey who wants to play Knights." Miracle shouted. I guess she feels comfortable with them. "Me" the three boys shouted. Geez these kids are loud. "Ok let's go outside I don't need you guys to brake something and I get blamed for it." I told them. "OK!"They said. Geez so much shouting.

Third P.O.V €€€€€€€€€€€
Everyone is outside. "Hey Miracle why do you have a sword wouldn't you want to be a princess," asked Tristen. "What?! No I like to be a knight. I like to protect people and fight for them. I would rather be a knight than a princess." Miracle said. "Ya I'm with Miracle," said Katelyn. "Here is a sword Katelyn."said Miracle. "Can I be a knight to,"said Allison. "Ya!"said Miracle. "Ok so then who is going to be the bad guy."said Seth. "We can do boy vs. girls,"said Armin. "Hey why don't I be the dragon?" asked Logan. "Sure!"said everyone.

After everyone finished playing later had lunch everyone had to leave.
"Miracle and Logan you are now part of our group and we are all going to be best friends forever."said Allison. "Sure!"said Miracle."bye everyone, well see you next time."said Logan and Miracle's mom.

"Did you two have fun,"asked their mom. "Yeah I can't wait to see then again," said Miracle. "Ya it was fun," said Logan. "Ok now you two help me prepare dinner for when you dad arrives," said their mom. "Yay, I'll help with desert."said Miracle. "I'll set up the table,"said Logan.

Ok well that's it for today hope you enjoy the two I posted

Bu bye

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