Chapter 6: Test Your Skill pt 2

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After going home to retrieve my sword I was back at the sky arena. "I'm back" I shouted to Pearl this time amethyst and Steven where sitting on the side lines along with garnet. "Oh I see you have re-" she stopped looking at the sword that was attached to my back it was two larger to be attached to my waste. "That's a mighty big sword are you sure" Pearl started but I stopped her "this is the sword I choose to handle. " I said. it was a large sword, 7ft long by 4inches wide,splits into a slightly smaller sword. Consisting of a 6ft blade with one side being Crimson and the other being midnight black.There was a vine that entangled in the handle and wrap around the user. The larger blade has a hollow middle and both sides being midnight black with only a red streak down the middle. The handle was a y shaped grapple. Together the sword weighed 10 pounds. Separate they only weighed 5 pounds a piece. "Alright" she said grabbing her sword" she said "Pearl ready when you are" I said excitedly I never got to use my sword often. I placed the smaller sword back into its hold place on the larger sword....

Pearl looked at me nervously like she doubted I could wiled such a massive sword but I was about to surprise her. I held the sword to my side with one hand. I refused to make the first attack and forced her to come to me. She swung her sword first from the left I easily blocked by bringing my sword over my head from my right. The force from my sword pushed her back. She decided to quicken the pace as she swung in rhythm left right forward left right forward. I easily blocked and begun my attack I jumped forward into the air coming down with my sword held in both hands she block with her sword and held out for a second before pushing me up. I land on the ground with my back towards her. Giving her the opening as she gladly took I spun around swiftly blocking clashing our swords with such force sparks flew. "Holy smokes" I heard amethyst shout clearly getting excited.While we were holding the stance for dominance I took this as an opportunity to withdraw my second sword and counter with a reverse spin. She stumbled back some clearly in owe. I smirked at her while holding both my swords.
Pearls P.O.V
She was good at fighting hand to hand combat but her swordsman skill was on another level entirely. She moved as if she knew every move I made before I made it her face showed the slightest emotion and her stance though completely not reliable for sword fighting seemed to work for her perfectly which made it perfect. She now stood before me with two swords and a smirk. "What's wrong Pearl did I catch you off guard" she said in a friendly mocking tone. I smiled and corrected my stance "you seem to be having a lot of fun" I shouted back. "Wooow you got this P" I heard amethyst cheer along with steven. I lunge forward attacking her straight forward she blocked with the slightly smaller sword and swung the larger one over head. Causing me to break my stance and block again. By this time she had the clear advantage. Garnet threw me a second sword and now the odds were even. She swung in a serious of spin attacks with both swords either from the left or the right. I did notice that she never used a straight forward attack she always swung left right and overheads 'maybe she's not good at forward if I continue to use forward attacks then...I can beat her!' I thought to myself. I then plunged to the side giving a series of jabs, she dodged and blocked them with tremendous speed to be holding such a larger sword. She dashed back to create room but I quickly closed the gap jabbing again. I had her.
Garnet P.O.V
The two clashed swords relentlessly. Never tiring. The swung with such force and passion that sparks flew. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was the perfect balance of love and fury. It was almost as if they were dancing. It made me feel uneasy. There fight was free and passionate but ours was rough and anger filled. When we fought it wasn't like we were dancing there was no passion only rage. Only hate 'Am I jealous' I thought as I kept a calm poker face. Why would I be jealous I had my own representation of love and fury. So why did they make me so uneasy. I continued to watch them thinking deeply about the subject.
We had been going at it for what seemed like hours even though it had only been 40 or 45 minutes. We stood opposite of each other both trying to catch our breath. She dashed for me again with another series of jabs 'why was she thrusting straightforward so much. She had completely ditched swinging left and right. Maybe. !  She didn't think I was skilled at straight forward attacks, that could only be the explanation' I pulled my head out of the clouds and dodge rolled to the side catching her off guard. I lunged my sword upward from the ground and then spun giving a straight jab with the other sword sending her back landing on her butt. Before she could get up I pointed my sword at her. As if to say don't move. She smiled at me "good match" I helped her putting my sword back together and placing it in its hold. "I had a lot of fun." I smiled back. "Your swordsman skills are on another level dare I say even "off-planet"" we both laughed at her HomeWorld joke "your skills may even rival my own" she said continuing. Amethyst and Steven had ran up excited. "That was really cool how'd you learn to fight like that" Steven said with stars in his eyes. I honestly don't know how that's even possible. "Well I did a bit of training in Japan. And studied all the arts of sword wielding" I said proudly amethyst laughed abit "funny I didn't take you for much of a nerd" I blushed slightly at her statement. Just then garnet had walked up "nice job you two" she said congratulating us both. I smiled placing my sword beside me. "Well not going to let some dust keep me from rekindling my love for sword fighting" I said. "Oh can you do cool stuff with your sword like oooo the boomerang blade" I laughed as Pearl gave him a look "Steve I've told you there is no such a thing. Im sure being that k has learned many sword technics have never heard of such a thing" she said proud and smug like. I have her an arched eyebrow and took my sword out. "Well" I said before holding my sword up and throwing it at an angle allowing it to pivot and return back to me. "There IS such a technic but it's not called the boomerang blade" I said placing my sword back into its hold and urging Pearl to pick her dropped jaw back up. We all exchanges a small shuffle of laughs. "So your a crystal gem now right" Steven said looking at me and then garnet and Pearl. "Well that would be up to garnet" I shrugged. "Yes she is a crystal gem now" garnet said softly to Steven which made him even more excited "welcome to the squad undercover nerd" amethyst said pulling me down to ruffle my hair. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...
If you would like to see a picture of the sword I'd be happy to draw it for you. 😁

I'll Love You Forever and Even After That (Garnet X Me) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now