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(in the graveyard with Thomas riddles grave)

"Bone of the father unknowingly given,you shall renew your son!" Wormtail started as he levitated a bone to the cauldron holding what is left of his master and adding it

Wormtail then moved over the poisonous blue potion and brought out a dagger with his right hand while holding out his hand with 4 fingers

"Flesh of the servant willing given, you will revive your master" the man declared before cutting off his hand with the dagger and running over to Harry Potter who was held to Thomas' grave

"Blood of the enemy forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe" Wormtail finished with a swipe of the dagger making Harry's blood stain the silver blade

Wormtail then added the final ingredient to the potion making Lord Voldemort rise again

James Potter woke up the moment his son's blood mixed in that potion along with his wife

"Lily?" James asked

"James?" Lily asked

They looked at each other.... maybe this was a prank from Sirius....yea... that's why they are in a wooded box...

They both escaped after a duet of "Bombada!"

Lily held James tight "Harry...." is all she could choke out

"Who are you and what are you doing disturbing the peace of these two graves??" A sharp voice pierced the night

The couple looked up and saw the shocked and angry face of Remus Lupin

"Remus.... it's us.... Lily and James.... I'm sorry we didn't tell you about the switch...." James pleaded

"What were the nightmares you, me and Padfoot had all the time while at Hogwarts?" Remus asked

James's eyes were pricked tears at remembering the nightmares

"I always had a dream with Padfoot being killing by his father, you killed by the Ministry, and Peter killed by himself..." James started but saw at the mention of Peter anger grew in the werewolf 's eyes

"Sirius always had the dream with him surrounded by his family.... all of them even him laughing while listening to the screams of Muggle-borns... then us taking his name off the map and kicking him out of the group because he had been restorted into Slytherin " James continued, Remus getting tears in his eyes

"And you always had the dream of you in you werewolf form killing all of us...." James finished

Lily held onto her husband's arm and looked up at him with tears in her eyes as well, only the Marauders knew because they solomly swore on the Marauder code that they would not tell another soul about their nightmares

Remus ran up to them and hugged them

"I missed you guys...." Remus choked out

James nodded "where is Padfoot?" Prongs asked wondering where that Black had gotten to

"In a cave outside Hogsmeade,he's in hiding..." Remus explaned

"What could he possibly do to make himself go into hiding?" Lily asked

"Almost killing the traitor.... and being set to Azkaban then escaping" Remus explaned further

James just nodded understanding how unstable the Black was with his temper when someone hurt or made fun of the other Marauders

"Come on...Harry should be completed with the 3rd task by now " Remus told as he grabbed both of them then apperating to the cave where Sirius was

The big black dog growled at the hazel eyes of the man and ginger hair of his wife

"This is really them... James remembers the nightmares we all had.." Remus resoned as the dog was replaced by what became of Sirius after the death of the Potters

"Lilypad?" The gray eyed man asked the woman

"Yes Padfoot it's me..." She responded

Padfoot then took them into his arms as hard as he could which was weakened over the years with the Dementors

Remus smiled as the four saw McGonagall's Paronus apper and say "Dumbledore requests you Sirius to his office as soon as you can"

Sirius turned into Padfoot, James turned into Prongs, Remus casted a spell over Lily making her invisible before all 4 of them walked to Dumbledore's office

The werewolf stood in front of the stag as Dumbledore entered

"I'm gonna need your wand Albus" Remus snapped

Dumbledore quickly gave the Lupin his wand

Remus then revealed the stag and the emerald eyed woman

"I already checked Albus..... they really are Lily and James Potter" the werewolf reassured

The dog barked in agreement

"Then make ms.Potter invisible again and the stag to stay a stag" Albus instructed as Remus redid the spell on Lily and followed him to the Hospital wing

The black dog jumped on the bed that held the raven haired boy and licked his hand

"Hey Pads.." Harry mumbled

"Moony.....who is the Stag?...." Harry asked his old DADA teacher

"This is Prongs..." is all Moony answered with

Harry stared at the raven colored stag

"Dad" is all he muttered so quietly only the dog and stag heard it as the stag walked up to be petted by his son

"The potion.... that's what caused this... he has returned with my parents... " Harry muttered which everyone heard

Dumbledore nodded

"Potion? what potion is my godson blabbering about Dumbledore?" Sirius said finally back to his normal self after everyone left

"The potion Wormtail used to resurrect Lord Voldemort" Harry replyed

The stag, the invisible woman, Sirius, and Remus all stopped to stare at Harry

"After he..... killed...Cedric" Harry stated, Sirius senced him becoming sad so Sirius held him close like he did whenever he saw his godson

it was a great choice making Sirius the godfather... James knew the Black well and knew that when it counted Sirius would know what to do, for the best for Harry....

James soon turned back into himself and hugged the duo

Harry smiled up at his godfather and father for the first time in his life that he could remember

They smiled back down to the 14 year old who just lost a freind, but gained a family. A true family

The beautiful Lily then took Sirius's spot in the hug and was now revealed to her son with a wave of Remus's wand which just strengthened the love that was emitting from Harry Potter making him say

"I finally have parents..."

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