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"Now class today we will be reviewing werewolves and Animagi who remembers that from third year?" Victorie asked

Hermione rased her hand

"Yes Ms . Granger?" Victorie asked

"A werewolf is a witch, wizard or sometimes muggle who has been eather been bitten, born into the family from a werewolf or shape shifted into one. An Animagus is a witch or wizard who has elected to be one."

As Hermione finished Victorie was replaced with a black owl

The owl flew around the classroom, Umbridge scribbling away on her clipboard

The owl flew back to the desk in the front of the class and turned back into Victorie

"Now who can give me other examples of nocturnal creatures?"

Soon after Victorie's paper came back she was sacked

"But please.... I need to be here..." She choked out as she stood in the courtyard next to Trelawny and James

"Yes... and Hogwarts is my home... I have taught here for sixteen years..... i..." Sybil turned into a pile of sobs and McGonagall came and hugged her and calmed her

"Now what do you have to say?" Umbridge snapped

"There are many things that I would like to say" McGonagall stated

"Now all of you are prohibited from returning to any classroom -"

Dolores was cut off

"No one will be going anywhere Professer.... you may strip them of their teaching abilities but they can not leave the grounds without the approval of the Headmaster" Dumbledore boomed as he strode over to the trio

"Minerva, please escort Sybil, James and Victorie inside"

McGonagall then came over and brought all three of them into the Great Hall then escorted Sybil to her dorm first and let her sleep
McGonagall then came and escorted James to his dorm which was connected to Victorie's

McGonagall then came and took Victorie to her dorm

James and Victorie were able to go to Grimmauld Place for Christmas

As they entered the house Victorie felt something hug him to death

"Hey Sirius" She smiled

The man was in tears

"I have been worried sick about you with that Umbridge toad....I have missed you so much Vic...." he choked back tears

"I know, I know...." Victorie muttered

Lily and James were already snogging

Victorie was sleepy and yawned

"You tired love?" Sirius asked

"Yea..." Victorie said

"Ok let's go to sleep then" Sirius said as picked her up bridle style

"Well we are getting married soon aren't we?" Sirius asked

"Without a proposal?" Victorie asked then fell sleep in his arms

That morning Victorie woke up and Sirius was gone

"Sirius?" She called

"No, no, no you can't be back in Azkaban you just can't..." She mumbled then saw a little paw print trail leading toward a black dog outside holding a Frisbee and a picnic basket next to him

"Padfoot.... what are you doing?" Victorie said as she neared the dog and took the frisbee and threw it so that the dog would chase it

When the dog brought it back in the frisbee was eched

Will you marry me?

and when Victorie looked up there was Sirius, as a human on his knee and a ring in hand

"Will you marry me Victorie Twycross?"

Victorie had tears in her eyes and she nodded

Sirius had that same old smirk on his face as he hugged her

James, Lily, Tonks, and Remus all ran out there

"Took you long enough mate!" James cryed

"That makes us cousins Victorie!!!" Tonks cried

"Great now I'm even more related to Sirius" Lupin mumbled

"Hey I thought we were all Marauder brothers!" James barked

"That's true" Remus said

"Alright everyone get inside I need time with Ms. Black ok?!?!" Sirius proclamed

Everyone then laughed their way back inside and Victorie and Sirius were left alone

"Do we need to have that picnic? It's winter...." Victorie muttered

"Yes my love and here if you get cold" he said as he took off his cloak and put in around her

It may have been 40 degrees but that was the best picnic Sirius and Victorie had

They stayed out there till it got dark and Victorie was leaning on Sirius's elbow for a pillow

Sirius picked her up gently and carried her in and sat her on their bed next to himself who was sleeping soon to

The next day was chaos trying to get everyone packed and ready to get back to Hogwarts once again leaving Sirus to himself

When James and Victorie got back to their room the both fell asleep intently

Victorie was woken with a start

James was panting, shakeing, and crying

"It's Sirus..... Voldemort got him"

Victorie quickly put on her cloak and ran with him to apperate outside Hogwarts boundaries

As soon as they were out of boundaries they apprated to The Department of Mysteries

They apprated into a fight with the Order, the D.A. , and the Death Eaters

Soon James was fighting Malfoy and another Death Eater while Victorie fought Bellatrix and Yaxley

Soon Sirius's voice rang out

"Come on you can do better than that!"

Then Bellatrix shot a red light at him hitting Sirius in the chest....he fell into the Veil graceful but also lifeless......

He was gone .......

The great Sirius Black the new fiancé of Victorie Twycross was dead.....

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