Get ready to read some SHITTT

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Winnie the Pooh was on an outing to get grapes from the forest for Piglets picnic the next day. It was around 7:00pm so it was getting dark. He decided to start to head back. He looked around to see where he came from and realized he was in a dark scary forest. He turned around to see a note taped on a tree. It read "don't look or he takes you". Curious to see what this meant pooh took the mysterious paper. He walked around a little more trying to finding where he came from. While waking around an abounded bathroom he saw a mysterious figure. "Oh dear, excuse me sir can you be so kind to show me the way out of this forest please?" Pooh asked his voice slightly wavering. He figure walked a little closer. Pooh noticed he had no face and was slender with a suit and tie. Pooh blushed, he always did love a man in a suit. Pooh took a step towards him and handed the man(or whatever creature he is) the note he found earlier. The man took it and bowed his head. Pooh blushed again. "I'm Winnie the Pooh, sir. What's your name?" The man just took poohs hand and lead him out of the bathroom. Once at one of the trees he etched out a name: slender man. "Slender man? What a pretty name" pooh said rubbing circles in the palm of slender mans hand, neither of them wanting to let go. Slender then etched in 's.m+w.t.p' with a heart around it. Slendey turned around awaiting poohs reaction. Pooh look at him and moved into his face ever so slowly. Slender man leaned down ready for the delicate impact of this adorable bear. When their lips collided they both felt the most sensational feeling in their chests. The feeling of love, hope, and horniness. Slender man picked pooh up and pooh wrapped his legs around his slender figure. Slendey pushed pooh against the tree and pooh started to undo his tie. Once slender man had his shirt and coat off pooh pulled their lips apart to admire his dazzling body. It was beautiful. He traced around his spectacular body with his finger going around and round. He had to stop when slendey pulled poohs shirt up and it was slendeys time to admire. Pooh looked down bashfully when he stared(or at least he thought he stared he doesn't really have eyes). Slender man lifted poohs chin up with his index finger and thumb and they began making out again. Pooh tried to reach for slender mans pants but his arms where to short so he took slendeys hands and pushed them down to his pant trying to signal him to take them off. Slender man immediately took them of and his underwear too(pooh doesn't have any pants so he's already a-okay). They looked at each other one last time and both nodded ready for what was about to happen

Time skip cause they need their private time *1 hour later*

They both lie down exhausted from the events previous. "Oh dear I need to get home to my friends for piglets picnic" pooh said looking at slendey with sorrow. Slender man nodded getting up and lifted pooh up as well. They both get dressed and pooh headed out of the woods but not without a kiss and slendeys digits. Pooh walked out of the woods feeling happy and exhausted and headed back home. Pooh went to bed and awoke the next morning feeling ready for piglets picnic. He got his grapes from the night previous and headed down to the picnic. The picnic was a jolly old time. Everything went swimmingly except for a few incidents of pooh getting a tiny bit temperamental. But other than that it was perfect. Everything in poohs life is perfect

Time skip *1 month later*

Pooh woke up to a text from slender man
From slendey<3:hey babe :*
From pooh: hey ;)
From slendey<3: how r u?
From  pooh: pretty good darling but I have to go so ttyl<3
From slendey<3: okay bye xxx
Pooh got up feeling a little funny. He headed to the bathroom and puked into the toilet bowl. He decided to take the day off and just stay home(not that he really has a job but meh). The whole day he watched tv, got up every 20 minutes, puked, got back in bed. He felt awful and especially didn't want to talk to anyone he was a bit on the edge right now. While lying in bed he noticed his stomach was a bit bigger than usual. He thought this was unusual since he had started laying back on the honey. He ignored all of this and the day soon passed. The next day the same exact thing happened. And the next day. And the next. He decided to see what the problem was so he headed to his bathroom and looked through the medicine cabinet. He took whatever was in there that he saw that could possibly help. He waited a couple hours and nothing worked. He scavenged through the cabinet again and at the very back he saw an unopened pregnancy test. Suddenly everything in his mind clicked. He quickly took it out, his hands shaking. He closer the bathroom door and proceeded to take the test. Waiting for those lines to show up was the most terrifying thing in the world. After waiting he forced himself to look at the test. His jaw dropped. He was pregnant! Oh my god what is slender man gonna say? Is he gonna be mad? Is he gonna leave? He decided to text him to meet up so he could reveal the big news. He texted him and they decided to meet at a big willow tree on a hill. Pooh waited there anxiously and paced back and forth. He finally saw slendey and pulled him down to sit. Pooh started to stutter trying to tell him "oh hello sweetie. So you see, oh dear. Okay you know when we first met" he nodded "and we had that wonderful night" he nodded again seeming more anxious "well this past week I kept feeling a bit queasy and took a pregnancy test. And I'm pregnant" slendey just sat there for a couple seconds and took it all in. Pooh thought that these seconds felt even loner than waiting for the lines on the pregnancy test. After waiting in agony slendey jumped up and started to hop and skip around in excitement. Pooh was so pleased and joined in with him. They finally took each other's hands and kissed

            Time skip *8 months*

Pooh was being wheeled off in a wheel chair to a delivery room with slender man chasing it, not to far behind. Once wheeled in the room pooh was placed on a bed and his feet put in those feet thingys(you know the ones I'm talking about the ones where you straddle your feet up or what ever anyway). Slendey took poohs hand a kissed him on his forehead. The doctor looked at the crowning baby(flash back to when Phil was crowning in that sweater lol) "Push! Push! Push!" The doctor exclaimed. Pooh pushed while squeezing slendeys hand and slender taking the pain(I'm mean not as bad as birth but still lol). After a couple minutes of the excruciating pain a little baby boy popped out. They swaddled him and handed him to pooh. Pooh looked at him lovingly. "Do you have a name?" The nurse said. Pooh look at slendey and back at the baby. "Dan" he said "Dan Howell". Slendey nodded kissing dans cheek.

"And that's the story of how you where born Danny boy" pooh said to his little 12. "I'm totally gonna use that in a rap one day" Dan said

So um that happened. Sorry that your eyeballs had to witness that. Well no ones gonna read this anyway so *shrug* well hope this made you cry, laugh or something in between. Bye

Ps wtf just happened

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