Chapter 1

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It had been two moons since meeting the clan. Ecostar had said "She's perfectly fine kit and she will be trained like a normal apprentice". Though Ambereye , Foxfang, and Brownpelt still thought she was still a bad omen. Raincloud would swipe at any cat that said she was a bad omen.She knew if they lost a battle they would think it was her fault. She didn't want that so she would prove that she was the best warrior the clans had ever seen. Flamekit interupted her thoughts and leaped at her" lets go play" Stormkit popped up behind him "Yeah, Shh" Featherstride moved to the nursery recently and you don't want to wake her from her sleep. She got up "Has the dawn patrol gone out yet ". "Of course" Stormkit whispered "They left a long time ago." Suddenly Rosepaw raced through the camp yowling "Border battle!" Echostar ran out of her den and so did a few warriors then she heard her mother yell at her to come in the nursery but then the deputy raced out of the warriors den she had only ever seen her once. She had no tail ,but you wouldn't want to fight with her. Ecomist called out names "Brezzesplash " The deputy started the line out of the cam. Ecomist resumed "Sparrowing ,Jayfur, Silverspot,and Lightningcloud "she finished. "Come on!" Raincloud called to blackit."Sparrowing" Raincloud called to her mate "What?" he ran over. "Be careful!" she fretted. "I think I can handle it! Who's causing the trouble swiftclan?" he meowed. "Ok." He raced across the clearing to the battle patrol and they raced out. "I hope Jayfur is ok !" Featherstride fretted. "He didn't hear me when i called to him." It's ok they don't like being fretted over anyway let's keep the kits company." Raincloud reassured the queen. She wanted to see the battle but by the time she would of gotten there it would be over. "How do you think it's going?" Stormpaw asked Flamekit "I dunno" he mewed. "Were probably kicking their tail!"Stormkit bragged for clan.

Then near sunhigh they come through the tunnel.

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