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I stared at (y/c/n), while he drew his eyebrows in confusion. I stared at his (h/c) hair, with big (e/c) eyes, and I felt my heart quicken.
He was my best friend and over the many years we spent together, I have developed feelings for him. It sucks when you start falling for your friend, expecially if he thinks of you as a sister.
"So, Hitler started World War 2 in--" he bit the nip of his lip and I blushed, "--1939?"
I smiled and said, "Correct."
He gave me a smile and I blushed, but quickly turned gaway before he could see.
I looked around the library and thanked god that the library was empty. He sighed and I looked back at him, raising my eyebrows.
He smirked and murmured, "What would I do without you?"
My heart fluttered and my stomach had butterflies.
What do I say?
"Probably still be in first grade," I said, my heart crushing in my chest.
He laughed and said, "Yeah."
He started to write in the history book and I rolled my eyes. When he was done he nudged my elbow and handed me the book.
I stared down at the words and for a minute, my whole world was put on pause.
Will you go to the dance with me?
I turned my head toward him, but when I did, his lips grazed mine, and he deepened the kiss.
I closed my eyes and my heart flew to the sky.
He kissed me gently, his lips and mine were perfectly in sync, as if we were made to be with each other.
He pulled away and whipered in my ear, "So? Will you be my date?"
I smiled and breathed, "Yes."
He kissed me again and after a few seconds, the school bell rang.
After we left for the day, he gave me one final kiss and said, "See you tomarrow."
I nodded and said, "I can't wait."

(Time Skip~three hours)

(Y/c/n) POV

I lied in bed with a smile on my face.
I can't believe (y/n) said yes, my crush, my friend, my--
My phone beeped and I got a message from (y/n)
Meet me at the park. Please...
I checked the time. 6:32. My mom won't get home until eight...
All right.
(Y/n) texted back immediately and put, I love you.
I smiled and put I love you too.
I got up and went to go get ready.

(Time Skip~twenty minutes)

(Y/c/n) POV

I quickly drove to the park and ran to the swings.
I pulled out my phone but (y/n) already sent me a text.
Meet me by the bench by the lampost.
I looked around me and saw that a few feet away from me was a figure sitting on a bench. I quickly ran toward (y/n), wanting to hold (y/n).
I noticed that where (y/n) was sitting, you could see the sunset.
I reached (y/n), but quickly got thrown down by her. I looked at (y/n) in surprise, only to find that it was...me?
I laughed at me.
"Oh my god, are you that stupid?" The other me sneered at me.
"W - who are you?" I stuttered.
He smiled and pointed at himself, "Well, obviously, I'm you--"
"--well,not you you, but more like the demon you."
"What do you want?"
He smiled and sighed, then whispered, "To be free."
I slowly got up but was instantly was pushed against the pole.
"And the only way to be free is to kill you, and take your place," he said, as if he was talking about the weather.
"N-n-no... (y/n) needs me..." I chocked out.
"(Y/n)? She sounds pretty--" he took out a knife and slowly pointed it over (y/c/n) chest, "--don't worry, when your gone, she won't miss you, in fact, I'll make sure she forgets you, and she'll fall in love with the new and improved (y/c/n)."
"N-n-no, (y/n)..."
"Is mine..." the demon said and plunged the knife into (y/c/n).
(Y/c/n) eyes widened and he shut his eyes, imagining your (h/c) hair, with big (e/c) eyes and he remembered, that first day when you two met...you were so beautiful...so beautiful...

(Y/c/n) Demon POV

I stabbed him and smiled when the light in his eyes went out.
He fell to the floor and I wiped the blood from my knife on my sleeve.
(Y/n)? He thought.
He smirked and walked toward his car.
"Don't worry, my dear sweet (y/n)--" he purred into the night, "--I'll take care of you..."

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