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you walk closer to the plate

now you have your fate

took one wrong move

and you were out

didnt wake up in that bed

and I thought you were dead

and then they said

you were in a coma


I will wait

for the day

when you will

finally stay

when you will believe, achieve

and come back and breath

find a cure

to this disease

put my heart and soul at ease

I do believe in fate

but I promise I will wait

you just layed there

frozen without a care

and suddenly

I lost hope

I walked away

tears rolling down my face

and still

nothing happened

I knew what they said

but I did it again

I sat by you and sang our song



I will wait for the day

you have to believe me

I will wait for the day



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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