Chapter 1

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It wasn't just any day for Trin, it was her first orientation at California State University, Northridge (CSUN).

Trin's POV

I was a nervous wreck. I don't know why college scared me so much whenever it came to mind. But this was one of the five colleges I was accepted to, and the only one in California. Ever since I was 7 I knew I wanted to live in Cali, and after CSUN accepted my application, I knew it was meant to be.

My flight landed at 9 am from BOS to LAX and orientation was at noon. Since classes actually started in a week, I brought all my stuff and decided that I'd stay in a hotel until then. So I grabbed some breakfast and decided to get there early before the huge crowd arose. I had a minor issue with huge crowds, considering that I'd also be by myself...

I ended up getting a taxi to CSUN, which took an hour from the airport. When I arrived it was pretty quiet, which calmed me down knowing that I wasn't walking into a storm of chaos. Only a few people came early, mainly just to set up. So as they did so, I found a bench on campus, sat there, and took a deep breath. "This is it"  I told myself, "I will spend 4 years of my life here. I will make memories, experience intense emotions, meet new people and hopefully succeed ". At this point I was taking it all in, it hit me like brick wall realizing that this was it, I made it all this way.

I sat on the bench for a good 30 minutes until 10 am. More people started showing up and I got a bit tense. But someone broke my concentrated thinking, they had a sticker on their shirt that said 'Volunteer'. They were very friendly and asking if I needed any help, I told them that I was just waiting for sign-ins to start, they mentioned that I could in fact check in early, so I did.

I went up to the check-in booth and found my last name among many others on the list. After I finished signing in a young man approached me, I guess I might have looked lost or something.

"Hi, can I help you with anything?"

His name tag also said Volunteer. He was tall with light brown hair (which looked blondish to some extent too), blue eyes and really good eyebrows...

"My name's Tal."

"Like your height?" I said, and instantly regretted it. Why the hell did I make such a dumb joke.

He chuckled, "Yea, like I haven't heard that one before!" I could hear the sarcasm.

I apologized, "I'm sorry. I'm just super nervous right now-" I paused myself "-because of this orientation". Great, now he probably thinks I was trying to cover up that I was nervous about HIM.

He just smiled, he looked nervous too.

"Here, why don't I show you around instead. It can be a one-on-one type of thing, if big crowds scare you?"

I was so relieved when he said that, and of course I decided to go with him. One-on-one orientation with a cute boy? Yes please.

A/N - Hi guys! So hopefully you liked the first part of my fanfiction :) Tal's POV coming up next!

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