2 weeks later
Madison POV- so today im looking at the sex of the baby and O I forgot to tell yall Me ndd diggs are a couple noww I wuvv my pukinn :-D but anTwayz
Diggs- Bae wake up your ultrasound today!
Madison- Yaee wakes up
Diggs- Take a shower and come on I cant wait
Madison- kk
??: POV- while she in tha shower diggs cooks breakfast for hiss sunshinee...
Madison- walks out her room widd some yellow booty shorts and a pokket dot colored shirt widd a pink bandana and some black toms Morning bhoo
Diggs- Morning
Madison- finishes food
Diggs- DAMNNN.... my bae was hungry wasent she ??
Madison- laughs yea she was
Diggs- ok dhenn you ready to go ??
Madison- yeaa come on runs upstairs to get my phone
Diggs- drives off to doctor office
...in the car...
Madison- babee im scared
Diggs- for what ??
Madison- Cause what if something's wrong with the baby ?? What if it have problems tears up
Diggs- Bae, We can sit here and what iff all day juss think positive
Madison- ok
Diggs- now come on beautiful dont cry
Madison- laughs ok bhoo
5 minutes later at the D.office
Dr.issa- Mrs.Bynum
Madison- yess
Dr.Isaa- Come back here with us
Madison- ok follows him 2 the room
Dr.Issa- do what he does So you are having a BOY !! and he looks healthy from here .
Madison- Thxx !! so much
Diggs- So when is it do ??
Dr.Issa- like in 8 1/2 months
Diggs&Madison- ok walks out