Out of the frying pan

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As Thornr ran though the door of the main building he noticed yet another dead Stormcloak when he went to inspect the body he heard Ralof speak up and told him to "come here and let me see if I can get those bindings off"

Thornr stood there for 3 minutes while Ralof worked at cutting the binding leather cloth from Thornr wrists. After Thornr's hands were free Ralof told him to take the dead Stormcloak's weapon and armor seeing is he won't be needing it

Thornr put on the stormcloak armor it was a little loose on him but at least it was something just then they heard someone coming it was two imperial solders from the looks a male and female a legate from the look of the armor they were talking about something but Thornr couldn't make it out Ralof heard them so he and Thornr had to hide

Ralof didn't want to to fight them so as the gate opened Ralof tried to talk to them but they drew their weapons the male solider went after Thornr. Thornr used his invisibility spell his mother taught him to get the upper hand Thornr picked up the dead Stormcloak's axe which didnt feel right in his hand perhaps it was the way the rough leather had been tied on, the wood was in prestin condition the head of the axe looked familer and he knew why it  was one of his fathers works he took it and bashed the back of the imperial soilders head knocking him out.

Ralof knocked out the female legate and looted the key off her and they made their way down to the kitchen area Thornr opened the door and they made their way down the stairs but when they got to the hallway it collapsed due to the dragon attack

So they had to make their way though the kitchen area but their were two imperial soilders in there.

To Be Continued

The Story Of Thornr red-Spear A Skyrim StoryWhere stories live. Discover now