Chapter 25

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Oh Sehun POV

                 I always visits her but only when she sleep. I don't want she know that I come see her. It was lie if I said that I'm not worried about her. I felt like a part of my heart broke into piece when I saw her like this.

                    I hold her hand. Her hand really soft. I smiled look at her sleeping. She liked an angel whenever she close her eyes. Suddenly she moved, please don't wake up now.

" Sehun " I heard she called my name. I didn't reply.

" Sehun " she sound like she in pain.

" I'm sorry " what she mean ?

" I love you " I froze at my place.

                     What she dreaming about ? Why she apologize then confessed ? Perhaps she really mean what she said ? Or she just dream ? I guess I hoped too high. I sighed and left her room.

Seo Ah Young POV

                   I felt like someone hold my hand. This touch familiar to me. I opened my eyed and I didn't see anything. Maybe I'm just miss him that's why I kept thinking about him.

                    I discharge on evening. Unnie sent me home. She said she wants to stay but I didn't let her. She have many things to do other than take care of me. She didn't say anything about Sehun.

                    I went to my room upstairs and jumped to my bed. His smiled, his laughed, his joked, his scolded, his treated and others. I still can remember it clearly. I want to meet him but he reject my call and ignore my message.

                     My throat need coffee taste now. I took my handbag and left to cafe nearby. I ordered my favorite coffee, white coffee. I paid before left the cafe. I walked didn't look in front that make me bumped into someone.
                      My coffee all over his shirt. I looked up, at his face who looked at me annoyedly. My eyes widen and my heart start beating faster. I don't know I will meet him here. He shocked when he noticed me.

" I need to go " he said and was about to walk away but I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me. I pressed my lips on him. I don't know what I'm doing right now. I felt this right. After a few minutes, we broke the kissed. Damn my face red.

" What was that ? " he asked while looked at me like he going to shallow me anytime.

" The truth, I don't know why I did that " I replied nervously.

" Okay then " he turned around.

" I'm sorry, Sehun. If you think this part of my plan, you wrong. I never used your feeling because I felt the same way too. I started have feeling towards you when you act nice to me. At that moment, I stopped all my planned " I confessed.

" I felt this wrong for me to continue it. I choose my feeling than revenge and it because of you " I added.

" I will answer your question. If you didn't confessed to me, I still will choose love than revenge. Love like revenge it hurt but only one of them will be happy if revenge. Love not like that. Both of them will be happy if they have same feeling "

" I want us to be happy if I can. I'm sorry, Sehun. I love you " he didn't give me any reaction.  Please don't make me like this.

" Thank you for reply my love back. I love you too, Seo Ah Young " he hugged me.

" No matter how bad you are. Once he liked you, if you hurt him, he will accept you no matter what " 

                    Thank you, Sehun for make me felt what is love. I'm thankful to God.

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