Chapter 8

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"Plagg, can you eat any slower? I need to get going. Do you think everything will get done by itself?"

Adrien was anxiously looking at his kwami. He had used his cataclysm during an akuma attack so he had to refuel Plagg with this horribly smelling cheese that he adored so much and did he REALLY took his time, chewing and smelling and smacking it, all while grinning at Adrien.

"You lied to her."

"I did not! Well, almost not... lied...To have a date and almost certainly will have is the same thing! Get going, Plagg."

"Nah, you lied! You didn't even invite her yet. Why do you think she will accept you if she refused Adrien Agreste?"

Adrien took a moment to take in the absurdity of this conversation – he was Adrien Agreste as much as Chat Noir and right now he was about to prove to a tiny, floating, cat-like, cheese-obsessed creature that Marinette declined a date with him because she fell in love with him. Adrien leaned on his desk and put his head in his hands, smiling like a love-struck dork he was to himself.

"She loves me, Plagg. She told me, I mean Adrien, that she loves me. She will certainly accept. Now let's go or I won't have any date to invite her to. I have to move everything to a new location."


Marinette lay on her back, still on the rooftop, gazing into the sky. Her tears were long gone but not because she was feeling better or the pain didn't bother her anymore. No, it wasn't the reason. She just didn't have any more tears in her; she cried them all out. Her heart was tired, was shattered into a million pieces. It wasn't her first heartbreak but it was the worst of the two. At least when she first confessed to Adrien, she didn't expect him to love her back. With Chat it was different - she knew that he loved her, loved Ladybug. He told it to her many times; he cried when she broke his heart, they plotted for a week for him to win back Ladybug's heart. What went wrong? Was he that cruel? She should've never trusted a stupid flirt like him. She should've known that he was a heartbreaker. Her head was spinning from all the thoughts, most of her emotions went missing, went numb from the paralyzing pain inside of her. She just looked into the sky, observing birds, wishing that she could fly away with them and forget, forget everything.

Tikki was quietly sitting by Marinette's side and observed her all this time and wished she could comfort the girl somehow but nothing would come up. She was afraid to speak, was afraid to make it worst, until she decided that it could not probably be worse than it already was. "Marinette, listen. Maybe, just maybe, he didn't invite Ladybug because he wanted to invite you, as Marinette I mean? Just think about it. All those flowers, gifts and notes. The names he called you. He kissed you! You told me that you felt that it was..."

"Oh, Tikki... Please, don't. He didn't want to invite me. Don't you remember that he plainly told me to go on a date with Adrien? He lied, he used me, he hurt me and I hate him right now! I hate him!!!"


"Tikki, please. I know you want to help but ... Just let me be for now..."

Tikki sighed heavily. What else can she do for her beloved girl? She was hurting and it felt as if no one could help her. She certainly was not the one she needed right now.

Time passed, slowly and agonizingly. Sun was starting to lean over to the horizon indicating that the day soon will be over. The streets were getting quieter and emptier.

Suddenly, the red kwami heard footsteps and quickly hid in Marinette's purse who, it seemed, didn't even bother or probably didn't care to notice someone approaching. Before she even could inform the girl of an intruder, a black leather-clad figure jumped on the roof, run towards Marinette and abruptly sat right beside her.

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