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Nicole POV

"I guess you could say I'm used to it. But the thing is...I'm not nor will I ever be. People like me will probably never get used to it. See...I get fans and haters on a regular basis. That never fails to amaze me...I guess after a while some people will have grown accustom to it but will never get over the shock of it. Of becoming famous. Of always having paps spread dirty lies about or following you wherever you go. Of having a strict schedule to follow at all times. Of being away from family. Of only having a couple breaks here and there. But then again, people like me have to accept it because that's what we signed up for when we become famous. We basically sign our life's off saying 'I give permission to all these people to spy on me and make my life hell. And spread lies about me even though some aren't real. Everyone dreams of becoming famous and living the high life and only a few people achieve that dream. Most people sit around day dreaming about being famous. I remember when I was a little girl telling my mom that someday I will become famous. And she told to never give up even people say you can't do it. And that's what I did...I never gave up even though most people told me I couldn't do it. And that's why I am on this stage tonight. Because of YOU guys. All of you. You stuck with me through the years never giving up on me. So I'm here to tell you to NEVER, and I mean NEVER, give up on your dreams because they may just come true. Thank you. I wish I could thank all of you guys properly but I can't because of my schedule. The I you for staying with me. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for letting me live my dreams. Thank you for calling me your role model. Thank you for being the best fans anyone could ever ask you. Thank you for coming to my shows, concerts, signings, whatevers. You are the best. Thank you, Miami." I say into the mic. My last concert of my tour. The memories will forever be with me.

I run off the stage to my family and hug them. "Thank you for being with me. For supporting me. I can't thank you enough. Thank you." I say to everyone. The crew, my family. Everyone. Without them, I wouldn't be here.

"Oh. Honey. You're welcome." My mom says hugging me.

"Mom, don't start crying. I'm gonna cry too. Well good thing I have a...TWO MONTH BREAK!!!! TIME TO PARTY!!!! And hopefully get a boyfriend." I say with tears in my eyes.

"You'll find someone who will love you soon enough." My sister, Isabella, tells me.

"I know I know. But is it weird for a celebrity to have never had a boyfriend before?" I ask.

"I'm gonna go with...yes." She says laughing. "Especially since I have had a couple." I laugh with her.

"I'm going to get dressed then we can go to that club I was talking about earlier, okay?"

"Kay! Meet you in the car." She says walking towards the exit.

When I get to my changing room, there is someone sitting on the couch. Before I know what's happening, the person screams and hugs me. Then it hits me.

"Oh. My. Gosh!!! Tyler!!! I can't believe it's you!!! When did you get here?" Tyler is like my big brother only we are the same age. Tyler has been with me through almost my entire life. I meet him in second grade. We became friends and have been friends ever since.

"Well I just got here and your mom let me through because your secret service wouldn't let me through. I would only think that they would know me by now since we are friends." He says with humor. We both laugh as we hug.

"Let me get dressed then we can talk and go to an awesome club that I know. Oh and my sister is here. I'm sure she would love to see you." Sarcasm dripping in my voice. My sister and Tyler dated for a while but then they both decided its not working so yeah.

"Okay. But I rather wait here with you since I would get lost." He says laughing.

"That you would." I say laughing as I walk into the bathroom to get changed. For a boy, he has a terrible sense of direction. I change into a blue dress that is absolutely stunning and I'm sure Tyler would love it. It has a shoulder strap and wraps around my chest down to my waist. In the spaces, the dress is sparkly. It ends about mid-thigh and is skin tight. I put on my six-inch silver strappy heels. (picture of her outfit on the side or up top)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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