Tea, Shade, & Lemonade

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I had gotten dress to go visit the family, my fathers family and Tiffany's family are very close thankfully especially after Dad died, they became closer

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I had gotten dress to go visit the family, my fathers family and Tiffany's family are very close thankfully especially after Dad died, they became closer. Now my Dad was half white while my mom is just black and a little light skin. Which I think went to her head. Everyone was meeting over Papa and Nana's house for a little family get together welcoming us back.
"Come on Nisha, I want some of Mikes ribs before your gramps and Kevin eat them all." Eric said rushing me.out the car as we pulled up. The others had already made it we were the last of the group. As soon as the door opened we were pulled into hugs.
"Hey how's my niece doing? Niqua hoe ass still giving you trouble?" Kevin asked me causing me.to laugh. Niqua is Kevin's daughter from a past hook up, she's just like her mom, she doesn't care about anything but getting money from men.

My parents had their own sibling, Kevin and Lisa are my moms siblings, while
Nina, Mike, and Nicole are my dads. We had madr it into the back yard where sadly the wedding party was too, but I ignored him and enjoyed time with my family. Now we were all sitting around sharing stories and laughing.
"No you missed the day Riah and Shelle went on a run and got chased by the dog, it was the funniest thing I had ever seen." Kendall said laughing with everyone.
"Eh that dog was evil." Riah said trying to justify.
"It was a Chihuahua." I told her making my family laugh harder.
"And it tried to bite my ankles." Shelle said making everyone laugh harder as Sam rubbed her back while everyone laughed.
"I'm happy to see all yall again. We were gonna come visit soon but y'all came here for this dumbass wedding." Gramps said causing me to bite my lip to keep from laughing.
"Gramps my wedding is important. I was actually wondering if you'd walk me down the isle?" Kiesha asked like she was innocent.
"Well yo ass gone keep wondering cause the only place I'd walk you or ya mama is to the clinic." He said causing everyone to laugh or choke trying not to. If you can tell, my gramps holds a lot of anger toward Tiffany and Kiesha. He does blame them for a lot of the problems that I went through as a child until today.
"Fine what about you Papa?" Dhr asked ax he acted as if he and Kendrick were in deep conversation avoiding her question she turned to Mike, Kevin, and Rashard who just laughed saying hell no.
"I ain't about to disgrace my brother by being apart of your bullshit to get even with your sister. Grow the hell up. Hell get Issac to walk you down the isle, he may be yo new damn daddy." Mike said drinking his beer.

"Baby girl.how about you and Becky sig for us, I ain't heard them voices in so long." Nana said trying to change the subject.
"Anything for you Nana." Becky said smiling. Khalil grabbed the guitar that Kevin handed him and started strumming.

I know that you are angry
And think I should feel bad
But I gave you everything
And shared anything I had

I know you say I'm angry
And maybe this is true
But I was never angry
For something you didn't do

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