so jasmen has two big thing that is going on in her live and one of them she don't know about it . but one thing she is trying to found her family.but she don't know that she have already seen her family . see when you go back and really the people that she was with they kind of real look at the people she was with they kind of look like her .the she passed out there was this boy that was following her but she did know that was her big bother at first .and the people that he take her to were her parnet's and in the house was her dad but she don't know that and in the first book she got raped and that person that raped her was her dad .he did that because he can't get non for his wife.but hear is the weid part she start's to have pean's but she thing that she have not eatting in two week's. that is very bad for the baby and all night she was crying and crying then 1:00 in the moring she thing that if she used the bathroom that will help but there is no place to use the bathroom so she gose in the buches and she push and push and when she but her hand down there she feel an head. she was scared so she just keep pushing and she did know what to do so she run's to an high way and this car stop and the person get out the car and just yell and yell that she need to go to the hospitol.