Cell finding a home

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ME:Ok Angela would you like to do the honors
Angela:Yay:-).She doesn't own anthing from DBZ only me.
Angela:Oh yeah cell owns me too.
Cell:On to the chapter.
Cell's pov-
I had just killed all of those worthless fighters who tried to defeat me to protect this worthless planet.I was going to blow up the planet, but then again I'll just use this planet as a home for now after I blow up other planets.All I need to do is find a perfect place as myself, to stay at where it's quiet and no miserable humans.

No ones pov-
Cell took off flying to the perfect place where he could stay at on earth.Not knowing where he could start he headed off to where west city was.

Angela's pov-
When I knew I was safe I started walking enjoying the scenery.But what happen with the teenagers kept going through my head "DON'T EVEN THINK OF COMMING BACK BECAUSE IF YOU DO WE WILL KILL YOU!" How was I supposed to get the things I needed?How do I provide food for myself?More and more questions kept popping in my head until I reached my home.I lived alone no one here to bother me about my race, no one here to stare at me just the way I liked it.But it does get pretty lonely here living by myself.I went inside my home which isn't much but I do have a roof over my head.My home was only a room for me.Nothing else just a king size bed with a purple blanket.A drawer with my clothes and medical supplies.A mirror on the wall to brush my hair.Did I mention no electricity so I use a latern or candle at night.Also next to my home is the celler where I keep my food.So my life isn't easy but I've gotten used to it.I put every thing I bought today away.I needed to relax so I got my favorite book Fever (ME:I also do not own the book Fever) and walked to my favorite place the waterfall.I would always come here with a book if I needed to calm down about my life.So I sit against the tree where it was perfect view of the water fall and it was shady, and I started reading.

Cell's pov-
I saw a city and I knew I was in west city which I knew was very loud.Thats when I saw four teenagers yelling at the woods for who knows how long.So I just into the forest thinking it might be perfect place to stay.I saw a house but it was different from all the others there, but I payed no more attention to it and kept going.Until I saw this beautiful waterfall with a cave hidden behind it."Perfect."I got on top of the waterfall and looked at the view.It was a beautiful sight indeed.But then I saw a little girl with some black cat ears a sitting next to a tree reading.I thought no I know those cat ears are fake and just so stupid accessory the humans wear.And with her hear she'll mess up this new perfect home so I'll just have to scare her away.Since shes young I'll spare her life for now but if I see her again I will kill her.

ME:HAHA cliff hanger how will Angela react to meeting cell.You'll have to wait tomorrow
Angela:Oh I know how.
Cell:Angela your not suppose to tell them they have to wait.
ME:Commet and vote please.

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