Ryan's Jersey (Part 3)

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Mitch rocked lightly in his lap as he panted for air, only stilling once his heartrate returned to normal. He finally calmed down and let his body relax on top of Scott's, his head resting on Scott's shoulder and their chests pressed together. Scott wrapped his arms around him and Mitch closed his eyes. He swore he could feel Scott's heart beating against his own chest and wondered if Scott could feel his.



He didn't want to talk yet. He didn't want to move. He felt like he'd just stumbled off of a roller coaster and his blood was pumping too fast, his legs feeling like jello. He was alarmed at just how much he was feeling. Why did he never want to move from here? Just minutes ago he'd been too embarrassed to look Scott in the eye and now he was collapsed on top of him, pantless and praying that Scott wouldn't make him move off of him. Why did he feel so fragile? They'd done this multiple times before, so why did he feel so weird about it now? Yes, it had been a little awkward, but he wanted more. Oh god, he wanted more. Why was he getting so emotional? He wrapped his arms around Scott and hugged him back, craving closeness. He whispered so quietly that he wasn't even sure Scott had heard him.

"You make me feel beautiful."

Scott was surprised, to say the least. That wasn't what he'd expected Mitch to say once he was ready to speak again. He was expecting something more along the lines of 'so, when can you have those photos edited by?' or 'can we go upstairs and eat already?' Definitely not a hushed 'you make me feel beautiful." Why did Mitch sound a little sad? Scott brought one hand up and ran it through Mitch's hair, wanting to comfort him in case he was upset. He lowered his voice to match Mitch's, wanting to understand what was going through his mind and hoping it wasn't his fault.

"You are beautiful. You should always feel beautiful."

"I do. I mean, I know I am, but..." his voice trailed off because he realized that he didn't exactly know what to say. He did know he was good looking, he wouldn't have had the opportunity to model so much even as a college student if he wasn't. There was a difference between that type of beautiful and the kind he felt right now. He realized Scott was waiting for a response and bit his lip. "I don't know...I don't mean to get all weird, but that was really special for me. Thank you."

He could practically feel Scott blushing, the heat from his skin melting into Mitch's where they were touching. "Don't thank me. I thought it was special, too. Really special." He felt embarrassed saying it out loud. There was a lot more he wanted to say- a lot more- but he decided it could wait. He didn't want to make this about himself. "Are you alright, Mitch? You sound a little upset."

"No, I'm fine." He rocked side to side in Scott's arms, loving how they felt around him.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I promise. You kinda just fucked some ideas into my head and I don't really know what to do with them."

"Oh." Scott smiled a little, hoping hadn't taken that wrong. "I have some ideas too. One of them involves our, um...friendship. Relationship? Whatever this is. Do you wanna like...upgrade it? Level up?"

Mitch snorted a little and smiled against his shoulder. "What the fuck? Is that your way of asking me to be your boyfriend, or are we suddenly playing Pokemon Go?"

"The first one. But hey, we can make a first date out of that second one if you want." He was surprised at his own confidence with that one and smiled to himself, glad that Mitch couldn't see he cheesy grin on his face.

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