That New Girl

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Me:Baby when you left your sister kept getting closer to me and shit and she pulled some grimmey as shit I pushed her off me like wtf . We get to a

Cookie: Bae are you serious?????

Me:Yes Baby

The. car got silent and Cookie looked like she wanted to cut her sister. We got to a place called The cave yes where gonna have a blast I hope she cheers up. We walk in and she still looks mad I pay and we get our skate tickets and head on in. I grab her from behind and kiss her cheek and tell her to cheer up she smiles that beautiful smile made new smile.

Me: Yo chino where my skates they better be back there too.

Chino:Nigga they right here calm yo Lil ass down.Who is this Lil Lady

Me: My girl breh calm your ass down

I take cookie to the skate shop and let her customuze some skates. She had air brushed white skates w/her name on it w/puff balls on top that lighted up and her wheels lighted up they was cute.

Corey:Breh that'll be 280

Me:Here you go *hands em the money*

Me and cookie skated around while her arms around my neck while I'm skating backwards. I tell her how I feel bout her and she told new the same and we got to know alit bout each other she told me things she never told a soul I told the same. We leave and go to Starbucks cause she was craving. a frapee so was I.

Cookie: Tazz



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