Project X runaway

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This is my first story and I hope you guys like it. I know it's not that great so bare with me. I didn't have time to edit it so if you see any misspelling or bad grammar please tell me. Comment on what you think. :)

CHAPTER ONE: The Queen of the dead.

"Sophie time for dinner" mama said "ok mama I'm coming" I said quickly without hesitation this was going to be my last dinner with mom, dad, Lucy, and jack. I was going to move in with grandma because No one is home with grandma and their is this school their that my parents want me to go to and it's close to grandma also I like grandma it'll be nice their no one will bother me.

I ran down the stairs so quickly that the I almost tripped and fell."calm down Sophie it's just dinner and anyways we better enjoy it since its your last here " jack my big brother said with a sarcastic voice.I looked at him and my eyes narrowed and gave him a straight foreword dead look. I sat down at the table thinking of what I should eat first ,my mama makes the best food. I love her sweets the most. I pulled my hand to grab a piece of mama's famous pineapple cake and its my paste dinner so I'd better enjoy it "Sophie don't you dare touch those " mama said with a unpleasant voice "but mama"I said and my voice weltered "don't but me say your prayers first then eat and you have to eat your vegetables after the prayer when your done then you can eat the pineapple cake"she said and then sat down in a chair right next to papa "mama but I don't want to I'm not a kid anymore and it's my last day so can you at least let me have fun for once in m life".

"You can act like whatever you want when your at grandma's now go on eat your Vegetables" she said and her voice sounding tempered ."this is why I hate you you never listen to me "I said without thinking before speaking. I knew I was in big trouble I should've just be quite. My mama's face began to become red that moment I wished I died ."I'm not your friend so you can talk to me like that go to your room and don't say a word" then it became so silent that you can hear moms hard breathing."that's enough honey lets just enjoy this dinner and Sophie come sit down let's not fight over something childish now "dad said breaking that awkward silent there was. To be honest I didn't know whether if it was okay to sit down because that's what dad had told me and mama told me to go to my room. I didn't realize when I saw Lucy my little sister in the table looking at me and mama with a frightened face.

As if she was in a cereal killing movie when mama is going to cut off my head.

Then I sat down not knowing if I should. After a while that moment of silence came back moms face lightens a little bit I was kinda relived. After eating my vegetables I didn't eat the pineapple cake a feeling of intolerance came from mama and a negative aura too it made me so scared to even dare to touch it and closed my appetite.

After I fished I picked up my plate and before I can excused my self papa said "Sophie wash your plate when your done princess " princess is what dad likes calling me a lot "sure thing papa" I said and then with a big frown on my face .Then I got up and picked up my plate and went to the kitchen to the sink while I was washing my plate I stared at the window and looked at the dank sky it looked so beautiful I couldn't help my self and the tears just fell out of my caribbean aqua eyes. The cold breeze sweeper my long red hair making harder to see. I didn't know if I was crying because of what had happened earlier or because the divine sky. Before I could figure out anything I realized that the water was running and I look like an idiot looking at the window near the washing machine."Are you okay Sophie" papa said with a low voice hugged me tight I felt so happy to see papa hug me "it's nothing papa" I said sounding doleful "is it because of your mom we can talk about it if you want" he said with sweet voice "no it's fine papa I got use to it so its okay" I said sounding not sure of what I was saying "alright I will try to believe you but can you do me a favor and apologize to your mom just do that for me for your old man sake" he said with a bright smile that filled my heart with warmth I would of said no but papas words touched me "okay papa I will do it before I go to sleep" I said with a weird yet doubtful voice." Thanks you know how your mom is so stubborn"he said with a light laugh that made me giggle for no reason "good night papa" I said trying not to think of how mad mama was"good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite princess" he said while looking happy but the feeling inside of me told me that something was wrong a weird feeling it wasn't normal i had this strange feeling I've been having since I heard I was going to move to grandmas. It felt as if someone is telling me "they're going to kill you , you better run before they finds out baby girl. " a voice so familiar. So beautiful it was unbelievable. I instantly fell on my knees and tears rising down so quickly I didn't even realize it. I felt so scared hearing unsure if it was my inner voice saying that .That voice it was like magic, it didn't sound like me it was a older woman's voice not mine.I rushed up stairs and then walked pass mamas room and stopped thinking if I should apologize or not. I knocked the door lightly as I could then mom appeared in front of me "what do you want" she said with an upset voice "mama I wanted to say something for what I did earlier in the table before and I just wanted to......." I stopped I didn't know why but those words that women said kept on mimicking in my head I forced my self and said "to...... to... " I still couldn't it was like this heavy weight was put on my tongue "to what ?" She said with her face faced down looking at me and she seemed waiting for me to kneel down and apologize.If she did then she is dead wrong but I can not break papas heart "I'm really sorry mama" I said and my heart cringed so hard to the point that I was going to cry but I kept it in "go back to bed" mama said sounding a little more calmer "night mama" I said trying to not sound in pain................

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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