The Start.

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**The picture above is very similar to how Ariana looks like. She just has a bit of a longer face and wider eyes.**

I wake with a jolt and quickly sit up. I had just experienced the worst nightmare of my life.

"Its just a nightmare," I say to myself.

At that, my Mom opens the door to wake me up for school, seeing that I'm already up, looks surprised. She noticed my strangely pale face, as I find out I have when I actually take a look at my reflection later. She probably just thought I was tired from studying late last night, so chose not to comment. I then get up, look around my simple all white room, brush my teeth, take a shower, get dressed, and I finally look in the mirror.

"Geez I look as if I've seen a ghost." I whisper under my breath.

I then decide to put on makeup to make myself look not as pale. I then rush downstairs to my very modern kitchen to eat. It smells of onions still, from the night before. I go into our tar black cupboard to get the box of lucky charms that we always have. I sit eating my cereal, as my mom walks in asking,

"Honey, what do you think the blue and black dress or the white and gold one, for the interview?"

She had an important interview with some important corporate.

"Neither, mom you are turning into a social media fad." I say.

Not understanding, my Mom looks at me with a confused face. Kind of like in Pokémon, when your opponents Pokémon uses confusion and your Pokémon is all woozy and punches itself.

My Mom isn't big on technology. My Dad on the other hand, is the creator of Alloway Enterprise. Yeah you heard right, I'm THE daughter of Mr. Edward Alloway. To me though it really isn't a big deal that I am the daughter of Mr. Edward Alloway, the founder of all the Alloway aircrafts and airlines that make the an "easier" place when it comes to flying. I always love to make jokes of my Dads' slogan. To me being the daughter of a billionaire doesn't change the way I act nor does it make me treat anyone with one less bit of respect. I do not think myself as a superior individual, As I think it ought to be.

I look at my phone to see that I'm going to be late, if I don't hurry. I then grab my teal backpack swing it over my shoulder as I walk out the door calling to my Mom.

"I'm on my way to the bus stop now, Mom. I'll text Dad later, telling him to pick me up!"

"Ok, Honey, have a good day. See you later." I hear her shout

Almost halfway down the pathway I look down to realize I'm still wearing my bunny slippers. Running back inside I kick my slippers off into the hall, as I race up the stairs to grab my signature converse high-tops. I wear them all the time. My Mom shouts from her bedroom downstairs

"Back so soon, sweetie?" My Mother asks with a twinge of humor in her voice.

I run back down ignoring her comment and out the door as it slams behind me. I make it to the bus stop on the corner just in time, I hop on in taking a seat in the middle as I always do as I go over in my head how embarrassing it would have been if I had worn those slippers. A shiver runs up my neck at the thought.

I sit quietly as I arrive at my school. As everyone piles out, I run to my first period history class. After 4th period I go outside to enjoy my salad I prepared earlier. As I'm chewing my blonde haired best friend Levi, or more formally known as Levi Alister, sneaks up behind me whispering in my ear,

"Boo!!" As he tousles my light redish-brown hair, while sitting down with his PB & J sandwich in hand.

"I almost choked." I say

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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