The Journals.

211 13 7

+= Jordan's POV =+

I look tiredly in the distance to where my house is. I don't have the energy to walk up the hill and in through the doors if I'm honest with myself. Too much has happened in one day for me to have the energy too.

"If ye want to stay here for the night, feel free." Redbeard jolts me from my thoughts but I don't smile and thank him like I'd usually do- all I can do is nod. He squeezes my shoulder for a few minutes before I hear the closing of a door and I'm left alone with my thoughts again.

Bending down I wash my hands best I can in the salty water. The water where I'm running them together, turning a crusty red as it comes off my hands.

I stand up and shake them dry, before approaching the door I know is Capsizes room. I lift my hand to knock automatically but with a pang I realise there won't be anyone answering this time.

I creak it open and look inside properly for the first time. The room seems utterly Capsize- the desk is littered with pages that have jotted down notes, the quill is stuck in the near empty inkwell and all the drawers are cracked open. The bed is made neatly and on the shelf is a lone diamond- paper sticking out from under it. Picking it up, I notice the initials I had scratched into it but I noticed new ones close to it. T.S, S.F and T.J are scratched in. Tom, Sonja and Tucker.

Picking up one of the pieces of paper I recognise it at my note I left her- the second paper seems to be a drawing.

It's only a sketch but I instantly spot recognisable faces. At the top there's Tucker, Tom and Sonja. Toms arm is slung around Tuckers shoulders while his other elbow rests on Sonjas shoulder- this I laugh at because Tom constantly uses Sonja as an arm rest. At the bottom there's Capsize, me and Redbeard. My arms are round both their shoulders as I smile broadly and Redbeard seems to be rolling his eyes while Capsize just laughs. I smile- we never actually did this as a photo.

At the bottom there's scribbled writing which I guess is Capsizes saying- "The new crew."

I put it back carefully- along with the diamond. I don't think Capsize would appreciate me sneaking around her cabin.

I sit at the desk, my hands moving over the notes which I quickly see are maps and various diagrams. There's one pinned to the wall which I squint to read.

To however may be reading this,

If you're Redbeard- get out me room ya drunken idiot.
If you're Tom- stop snooping around my stuff.
Tucker- no I don't need anything done right now, but thanks anyway lad.
Sonja- I'll bake with ye next time lass ok? I promise.
Jordan- well I don't really expect ye to be the one to barge in if I didn't answer yer knock but I'll leave this just in case, feel free to read some of the Captains logs. Meaning to drop by to you with them ever since you asked me how long it took us to find ye here. It's the brown one- looks at bit worn. More then likely on the desk.


I look on the desk among the papers and lift the battered, brown book from its burial ground of notes.

The cover holds no hints- just a plain book with a scratch or two on it. I open it and start reading.


Captains Log #1

Captain on board- Katherine Delaney Capsize.
Skipper- Rupert Delaney Capsize. (Redbeard)
Mission given- Lady Ianite, find her Champion and aid him on returning her.

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