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"What'd he say?" Dan asked as I hung up.

"He'll meet with me, tomorrow." I said, relieved.

The next morning, I woke up and checked my phone. 24 unread text messages. My phone rang and the number was familiar. Steele.


"Troye, you need to get here, now." He said with an unsettling voice.

"What's going on?" I feared for what would happen next. It was almost as if Dan and Phil both knew something was horrifically devastating as my phone rang again because they both looked at me, blankly but longingly.

I felt my world crashing around me when Steele replied. Nearly dropping my phone, I cried and started to leave in a hurry.

"What's happening? Is everything okay?" Phil said.

"Can I leave them with you? Please? This is really urgent and I can't get three tickets back this quickly." I said.

"Go. We can watch them." Dan chimed in.

"Thanks." I ran out of the building and took the tube up north. While traveling, I called the manager and apologized for having to leave and that I'd have to reschedule. He didn't understand, so that messed up my plans.

I got to the airport and made in back to Perth, and drove to Steele's house. He met me outside.

"We need to go. Now." He forced me to the passenger seat and took the driver's seat. He drove off and wouldn't explain a thing until I saw the hospital in the distance.

"Steele? Steele, what's going on?" I said, worried sick.

"It's bad... This is bad." He parked and told me to get inside. I followed his orders, but still found myself hopelessly confused. He knew where he was going as he had already been there and he signed us in as visitors for a patient.


"Don't be mad." He said to me, feeling pained.

"Why?" I didn't understand why I'd be mad after Steele said that I needed to come back to Australia because of an emergency. I walked inside and saw the patient.

Tyler. He had just woken up, but he was still groggy.

"H-he-hey." He said, stuttering.

"Hi..." I sat next to him. "How did this happen? What happened?" He looked at his arms. They were bandaged up, but you could see the inflamed skin through it. "Tyler..."

"I want to die." He said, sternly but with tears in his eyes. "I can't keep going on with this shitty life."

"Tyler, stop..." I tried to stop him, but it was as if he expected me to reach out for him, that he ripped the IV from his arm, cutting the nearby vein.

"Fuck!" I cried. "Tyler! God, no." The nurses ran in as Tyler was bleeding out. I was dragged out of the hospital room by force and ordered to wash up as I was covered in his blood. I waited in the waiting room with Steele, scarred from the blood spewing mess I had just witnessed, only minutes before.


"It was a suicide attempt." Steele said, as I got quiet. "He flew here, looking for you. When there was a knock at the door, I wasn't expecting to see him, let alone him with blood gushing from his arms. I took him here after he blacked out at the front door. I didn't let you go inside because I didn't want you to see the blood.... But you saw a close second to the gory sight."

"Why would he do this?" I whispered, too afraid to hear the answer, but needing to know.

"When he showed up, he asked where you were, seconds before bla-."

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