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My first theory I have came across is the black eyed children.

They are small children they will walk up to you and ask for help. If you do not help them they will ask again, but this time its more forceful and you feel like you have to do it.

This is not proven information, only personal experience's

Many people say that they will walk up to your car window, front door, or anywhere they can see you. They ask you for help. Like "can I call this person, can I come in your house, you are the only person that can help please let me in"

Then if you say no they say "I HAVE to call this person, You HAVE to let me in."

Then you start to tense up and you become afraid and feel pressure.

Many people, (over hundred) have called and gave a report of what had happened to them, but there is no verified proof that it is real.

This is a link to a website to read some short stories of black eyed children encounters.


Don't read at night. Just sayin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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