4749, is one of my favorite numbers. To others this is just a number, but to me, its more than that. Words have meaning, so shouldn't numbers have them as well. Here are some numbers:
13 , 156 , 678.4 , 4749
If you know the meaning of those numbers, well damn, you're pretty smart.
Little did I know that the internet is at my disposal so i just used that to get those numbers.
Other people might not think about the numbers tho.
Very stupid I am to talk about numbers causing people to think about it
Yesterday you said tomorrow, So just DO IT
Obviously, the words have meaning to them too
Usually its words, but in this situation, its letters, CAN YOU FIND THEM??
Okay, seriously this is about you right? Alright...
You are beautiful, and your cute, and your funny. You are honestly one of the best things that has ever happened in my life. Honestly I wouldn't be happy without you, and your attitude towards others is amazing, and I would never be the same without you. You are Mary Illagan, and I love you so much, to the sun and probably not back. But this might be late but I hope its okay :) ILYSMTIWNBTSWYIMLHDIKGHAOIHJVBSIFGBBASOFGB
but you helped me thru a lot. honestly you're a big piece in my heart that i can't live without.
I love you Mary.
Happy Birthday :)