Round Two

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Weeks passed included with those were very awkward lunch periods. A relationship that literally lasted 8 days caused such a big change in my emotional pattern. I would see the way she held hands with her, laughed with her, kiss her and I would think to myself why her? Trying to avoid lunch. Avoiding the awkward hellos in the hallway. Just trying to avoid my feelings altogether but I couldn't. There was something different about this one. That was the only thing that came to mind. Otherwise why would I try so much to get her back. Yes I wanted her back. I waited a whole year to finally get the courage to talk to her and I lose her just like that. No way not happening.

Scrolling down social media I stumbled across a status she posted. "Like my status and I'll tell you how I feel about you." Why not I thought to myself so I go and like it to see her reaction. But of course I get hit with how she just likes me as a friend and how she still loves her ex. Was that the response I expected? Yes and no. Did it sting a little? Yes but I got through it.

A month passes and here we are in February. Oh no February the month of Valentine's Day and everything lovey dovey. Being that I was a senior in high school at the time, we had to raise money for senior activities. As part of fundraising committee we did valegrams that Friday before. Which is when you send the person you fancy roses, chocolate, or a cute little teddy bear. I thought it'd be cute if I sent her one. Even if it doesn't change anything I just wanted to know that I had her on my mind during this month of "Love". So I wrote her a little poem and a red rose since red is her favorite color. It was nice to see the smile pop up on her face as she read the poem.

There is no purple without red
There's no Sally without jack
there is no ash without pikachu
There's no me without you
Oh and definitely food.

Later that day I'm hanging out with this guy I grew up with. An old friend if you will. We decided to go to McDonald's to get something to eat. Of course I end up seeing her with her friends there too. And of course she has her sitting on her lap. And of course he decided to sit a few tables away from them. Ggggggggggreat! So she sees us and pushes her off of her lap. We're sitting at our table eating our food and enjoying our silly conversation. Just catching up reminiscing on the old days. As we're talking she's constantly walks pass us trying to get my attention. Trying to figure out who this mystery boy is that has my attention. I got tired of her pacing and I called her over to the table. "Hey!" She said hello as she looked at him. It seemed like she was jealous. I didn't see why though it wasn't like I was with her anymore. I introduced them to one another then she left to rejoin her group of friends.

One thing I can honestly say I miss about school were the vacation breaks during every month. Well almost every month. In February we had a week off. For what? I don't know and I wasn't complaining. The weekend hits starting off the vacation break. A whole week out of school out of school already great. How can it get better than this? That Saturday comes and she messages me on Facebook. "Thank you for the rose and poem it was really sweet of you." I replied to her message. And that's where it started. She told me they broke up again and she asked about the boy from the day before. I told her the same thing I said when I introduced them, he's just a friend. We spent the rest of the time actually getting to know one another. We actually found out that we have more in common then we thought. The more we got to know each other the more I wanted ask. So I just went for it. I asked her to be mine again and she said yes. I was so surprised of course I was happy but surprised she said yes again. Maybe there was hope for this relationship after all.

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