Chapter 2 [Lovey Dovey Zane]

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Zane's pov:

"Aphmau, why am I stuck next to (Y/N) on the plane?!!!"

"Because you have to bond with her! You guys didn't get along well this morning"


We all boarded the plane as I sat next to (Y/N) as she frowns hugging herself as I grew curious staring at her.

"Are you alright?"

"Not a fan of air travel"

" turbulence?"


"Well ugh I'm gonna regret saying this but it's a five hour flight so if you get scared you ugh can hold onto my arm"

"Thanks Zane, who knew the guy from high school could be as sweet as a cupcake?" (Y/N) smiles.

Wait it's that (Y/N) she was a grade above Aphmau and I she was in Katelyn's class. Oh my god it's my high school crush....damn it

I blush and gulps before putting my mask over to hide my blush.

-Time Skip-

Finally we landed...(Y/N) fell asleep on me during the flight so I held her....DONT JUDGE

(Y/N)'s pov:

We all walked to our house as I went to get my room since I have one to myself as Aaron shares one with Garroth, Aph with Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan gets her own, Zane Travis and Dante share a room as I get to have little Celestia hanging out in my room.

I walk into my room setting my suitcase down as Aph runs in.

"Get your swimsuit on! We are all going to the beach!!!"

"Alright be down in a second"

Everyone was waiting for me as I walk down the stairs in a bikini but I had shorts on so buzz off if your staring.

Travis smirks and nudges me as he pulls on my straps as I growl and shove him off. Zane stares at me freakishly which I was fine with dealing with three brothers and one sister.

We all walk down to the beach as everyone got in the water except for me as I see Zane walking up to me.

"Why aren't you getting in the water?"

"Did Aphmau tell you to come ask?"

"Well she would but no I got curious for once" Zane says sitting on the towel next to me.

"Not a huge fan of water"

"Do you know how to swim?"

"Yes I do just its our first day we are here all summer didn't really want to swim right away if you get what I'm saying"

"Totally" Zane says looking at me as I hear Travis running towards me with a bucket of water.

"He better no-" I got cut off from Travis dumping the bucket of water on my head as I frown and put my hair back and tie it up as I soon stood and place the bucket over Travis head as I walk back home.


"Wow Zane getting hostile over (Y/N) I did it to see you know" Travis smirks taking off the bucket as Katelyn kicked him in the sand. "Sorry Katelyn"

"It's not me who you should apologize to" Katelyn rolls her eyes.

Aaron and Aphmau walk back to the house seeing me redressed in a thin zip jacket and shorts laying on the roof as Aaron grew curious as Aphmau frowns.

"Should we?" Aphmau pouts pointing to me.

"I'll go she's like a sister to me" Aaron says coming up here as Aphmau walks in to change.

I look over to see him as I rolled my eyes chuckling a bit.

"Y'know Aphmau is going to find out we are related" Aaron says.

"Just say I'm like a sister to you, in high school it was pure hell when you left"

"You didn't do that to yourself did you...." Aaron says giving me a death stare.

"No I didn't I kept my promise god Aaron"

"So what happened? Usually when your on the roof someone either ticked you off or you just can't think"

I sat there in silence as I sat up looking down seeing everyone come back up. 

"Wth did Travis do to you...." Aaron growls.

"Nothing just didn't want to be wet or forced into the water first day"

"He did the thing where he dumps the bucket of water on your head didn't he?"

"Yea, he's just asking for trouble"

"Hey just make sure he doesn't know you took martial arts with werewolves" Aaron chuckles as do I as I see Zane walk in holding my phone. Guess I left it at the beach.

"(Y/N) seems like you have someone else on the mind" Aaron nudges me as I blush deeply.

"Oh shush bro..." I blush hugging my knees.

"Thought you didn't like Zane in high school"

"After you left and that 'gang' left as well Zane was all alone and I refused to wear a girl's uniform so I hanged out with him a few times but that's when y'know what happened to mom...." I frown looking down as Aaron rubs my back.

"Hey lets go meet up with the others they are probably wondering where you went"

I nod as we both head back down as Aphmau smiles and tackles me with hugs as I hug her back. Zane walks up and hands me my phone.

"Thanks dude"

"No problem just be glad Travis didn't get a hold of it"

I agreed with him as I smile before placing it in my back pocket.

"Okay! So guys are having a guys night out and girls are here for the night! Maybe we can bake some sweets!" Aphmau smiles as I nod.

"I'll go get the ingredients just make a list" I suggested as Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan wrote a list as Katelyn walks over to me.

"If Travis gives you trouble whistle and Celestia will chase him away, Aaron taught her that trick" Katelyn winks as I smile and chuckle.

I grab the list as I walk out sighing as I put my head phones in keeping my head down. I walked through the group of guys as Travis tries to smack my butt as Aaron and Zane stopped him before he could.

"What's up with her?"

"(Y/N) leave her be Travis" Zane says calmly as Aaron smiles.

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