A t L a s t

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“JaeJoong… JaeJoong… JAEJOONG!” The responsible leader Yunho woke JaeJoong from a still posture of his silent slumber. JaeJoong’s eyes slowly opened to see Yunho’s goofy smile.

“What?” JaeJoong groaned.

“Manager Hyung wants us to talk to us in the living room. Now.” Yunho nudged JaeJoong one last time and walked towards the sitting room with an awaiting manager sitting on the sofa. By the time all of them were standing in front of the manager, he started to speak.

“Now guys, my…uuhh…niece is coming tomorrow and she will be staying here in your apartment in the guest room.” He explained, he thought that saying Mia was her niece would prevent the guys from flipping and saying things like ‘you can’t let a fan in here!’

“But hyung…that room is a mess” Changmin, the thoughtful maknae murmured

“I know and you guys are responsible for making homey” 

“What?! We’re singers not cleaners! Besides, she can clean it when she gets here…” JaeJoong, the cold one snapped. All of the members’ heads turned towards him, not only for answering back to the manager but already disrespecting his ‘so-called’ niece. 

“Just for that JaeJoong, you’re cleaning her room.” The manager taunted and JaeJoong’s eyes widened. Yunho turned his head the other so that Jae can’t see his smiling face. Although Changmin failed to keep his cool, he chorused a chuckle… after chuckle…after chuckle and Junsu couldn’t help but to join him. In the end all four of them were sniggering.

“What are you laughing at?” Manager exclaimed “you all are helping to clean out that guest room, understand? Dinners’ on me. Better get going!” 

TVXQ all headed for the guest room right next to JaeJoong’s room and sighed. It was the place they dumped mountain piles of fan letters and gifts. The bed was all messed up with no sheets; the windows were all dusty along with the closet. Yoochun took the first step inside the room only to find out, he really couldn’t step on anything…the floor was not visible. 

“Umm…” Yoochun started looking around for a spot he can step on.

“Let’s get started, Changmin and Junsu, go get a… LOT of bin bags and Me, Jae and Yoochun can start clearing these things off.” Yunho instructed the rest of them and nobody argued. He was always the man of the house, responsible for his children. TVXQ would be absolutely lost without him. While in the process of cleaning, Yoochun wanted to add something to his humour and read some of the fan letters meant for him. Yoochun sat down and opened a fluffy pink envelope.

~Yoochun Oppa!

I am your biggest fan! And I love you so much…I am one of the very proud Cassiopeians supporting you! I really want to meet you in person Oppa, I bought all your CD’s and photo books. I love you Oppa and I hope you love me too. TVXQ Hwaiting!~

“Aww…” Yoochun cooed and opened another letter but before he could start reading it, Yunho threw a Mickey Mouse stuffed toy and hit Yoochun on the head. Yoochun pretended not to feel this and continued on to the letter, Yunho thought ‘might as well…’ and picked up a letter labelled ‘Yunho Oppa’ he opened it and springs out a picture of him and a picture of a girl.


My name is Aiza and I’ve been your fan ever since you debut. You are my favourite member because you’re very responsible as a leader, super cute and have so much potential; I hope TVXQ would go further with your ruling. Love you…~

“Aww…” it was now Yunho’s turn to coo. JaeJoong was sweating in the corner of the room sorting out the things that wasn’t needed while intensely glaring at both Yoochun and Yunho picking up letter by letter making more mess than there already is. Junsu and Changmin came in with hand full’s of bin bags in their hands and handed one to JaeJoong.

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