90Q Tag!

42 12 38

Oh god, this is going to be long! Thank you to smartyburgers and HugeViolettaFan123 and I feel like there was somebody else - for tagging me!

Anyway. Let's do this!

1) Are you ready for 90 questions?
yeah sure, I did 100 so why not?

2) was your last relationship a mistake?
never been in one!

3) who did you last say I love you to?
I feel like it was Cd9768

4) do you regret it?
no?! why would I?! it's Charlotte!

5) have you ever been depressed?
well yes, unless you mean like seriously depressed. But I've had my sad blue moments

6) are you a boy or a girl?
👩 (girl for you blind people)

7) who is your best friend?
HugeViolettaFan123 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

8) what is your relationship status?
single but secretly taken by Draco Malfoy

9) how do you want to die?
well I've always wanted to die in my sleep, it's painless

10) what did you last eat?
Tuna on toast

11) play any sports?
well currently no, laziness has taken over me

12) do you bite your nails?

13) when was your last physical fight?
today, I had a small-piece-of-stick fighting with my friend (because we were teasing her about this guy who we all think likes her) and also a lunch bag fight with her as well. she's violent!

14) do you have an attitude?
hehe yes

15) do you like somebody?

16) are you gonna get high later?
high on chocolate possibly, high on drugs and that stuff- HELL NO

17) do you hate anyone at the moment?
this one girl, five boys in my class.

18) do you miss someone?
YES essentiallyawkward STOP DISAPPEARING! And SLAAMN because we aren't talking that much. and one friend who is at a different school

19) twirl or cut spaghetti?
twirl it's more fun

20) do you tan a lot?
When I tag, my skin gets darker and it ain't pretty on me

21) have any pets?
my lovely beautiful dog

22) how exactly are you feeling?
I don't know, mixed emotions

23) even eaten food in a car while someone/you were driving?
yep yep yep

24) ever made out in the bathroom?
I've never even kissed anybody let alone a make out in the bathroom

25) would you take any of your exes back?
who knows? maybe if I had one. it would depend on what happened

26) are you scared of spiders?
yes kinda, but I used to be a lot worse

27) would you go back in time if you had the chance?
maybe if it wouldn't affect my future, I'm not the Flash who will ruin everything he had. . .

28) do you regret anything from your past?
Yeah I guess. Yes actually. Yes. Yes.

29) what are your plans for these holidays?
hmm, my next holiday I plan on sleeping (and talking to SLAAMN)

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