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Chapter 3

I had never seen Cooper angry before, not even when we were younger; he was always easy going. I had no idea how to handle the situation. I knew I had screwed up again, even if it was with the best of intentions. I stood around, waiting for him to lose the last bit of restraint he had left.
“C-Cooper, I …”
“Not a word,”
“But I,”
“NO, I-I can't do this right now. You're going to stay here, out of the way so I can do my job and stabilize your sister, before she can hurt herself any further. Because, if you don't so help me ... Sam I'll ...” The earnestness in his voice made me remorseful; the scornfulness in his glare, cautious.

It felt like an eternity, having to wait around for someone to tell me something … anything about my sister. I could still hear Nina screaming while nurses and porters came and went. Now and again, I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her bloodied arms. She fought them every step of the way, right into the early hours of the next morning … into a new day. Cooper emerged after the frantic cries and the cacophony of sirens died down. He looked exhausted, beaten … worn-out.

“I-Is s-she?” I swallowed hard, envisioning the worst scenario.
“No-no, she's fine. We've managed to calm her down, she sleeping now.”
“C-Can I see her? Please Cooper, I-I promise I won't … I just need to see her, please.” I was so overwrought that I was prepared to eat crow, if it meant I could see my sister even just for a few seconds.
“Sam, Sammy stop talking! Off course, you can see her. I'll never … come I'll take you to her, but Sam,” He blocked my way, “She … you have to prepare yourself. Nina did a lot of damage to herself.” His eyes drooped woefully,
“She might not look,”

I reached out; my hand squeezing his, “It's okay I-I understand, thank you.” My breath petered out when I saw Nina lying there so still; her arms and most of her face covered in cuts and bruises, bandages covering the worst of it, I presumed.
“Oh my God,” I stumbled back, Cooper stabilizing me against his chest.
“It looks worse than it truly is Sam, trust me.”
I spun around, “What-What's happened to her Cooper? Why, why would she do this to herself? I-I don't …” I searched his eyes for the answers and once again, his strong arms were there to support me, pulling my head to his chest.

I did not fight back this time; surrendering to the closeness that I needed, hiding my head in his neck and my arms on his chest. I was exhausted; mentally and physically sapped.
“Shuuu, it's okay Sammy, everything is going to be alright … I swear.”
“How? How is everything going to be all right? Did you see the look on her face? She was terrified of this guy, so much so that she wanted to hide.” I wept in his arms.
“Hey-hey look at me, Nina's going to be alright. Whatever, she had in her system is all flushed-out, now. All she needs now is a good night's rest, even the cuts aren't as deep as they seem, and they'll be all healed in a few days.” He swore in his perfect bedside manner.

“What? Are you saying my sister was … that she's using drugs? Is that why she freaked out like that?” I was knocked for a six, at his insinuations. Nina was a good kid she would never ever turn to drugs.

“I-I'm sorry you had to find out like this Sam, but,”
“No-no you're wrong, Nina would never,”
“Sammy, listen to me please, your sis … Nina's not the first case. We've been inundated by these cases for the past few months. It's like, like this town's teenagers have all gone crazy. Every time, exactly four days after these kids have had one of their, weekend Charlie challenge parties, their families have to rush them in. It never fails they always arrive in an agitated and combative state. God knows what goes on at these parties, or what homemade concoctions they drink and smoke or even what it's laced with. One thing is for certain though, it's getting worse and now it's spreading to neighboring towns as well.”

Having lived in the city, I had seen what damage alcohol and drugs could do; almost every street corner had its own dealer and every alleyway its own string addicts and drunks.
“Can't the sheriff's department do anything? Surely they,”
“They've tried Sam, believe me. You and I both know that when a teenager wants to do something, there's no stopping them.” His eyes lit up, I knew to what he was referring. God knows, we had done things together when we were younger … stupid things, illegal things, regrettable things. I bobbed my head in agreement,

“Hey,” His hand lifted my chin,
“What say we take you home, huh? Why don't you go ahead and say your goodbyes to Nina while I go wrap up some Doctor stuff, okay.” I stared vacantly into his eyes; releasing myself from his warm embrace. I could not get my head around the fact that she would use drugs. The occasional beer or joint at a rave perhaps … yes, but not the kind of drugs that would do this kind of damage. No-no Nina was not that stupid … was she?
No, something else was going on here, an underlying cause none of us knew about. Maybe someone was threatening her or maybe some scumbag pedophile laced her drink with some date rape drug, but if that was the case, then why when she was screaming like that, did she not appear disorientated or confused? To me she just seemed scared, genuinely terrified.

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