Bad Beginnings

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She was running from something she couldn't see, she didn't know what it was only that it wanted blood... her blood. After a long while of running, jumping over tree roots, and ducking under low hanging branches she came to a stop after hearing a low, mournful howl. Against her better judgement she began following the sound, a choice that she knew in the back of her mind she would regret later. As she began to follow it she realized that it was not coming from one specific place, but from the whole forest echoing off of the trees surrounding her.

All at once the howling stopped and from the tree line of the clearing she had found herself in appeared a familiar and welcome sight to the girl's bright ever changing eyes, a lean black and white skeletonal hell-hound, the very same one her father had graced her with when she was born.

Just as she was about to call to her companion another canine from hell emerged from the side of the clearing opposite of her. It resembled a husky wolf hybrid except for the fact that its coat was a dark crimson and black color. Some of the splotches were obviously dried blood. But the part that concerned the girl the most wasn't it's nearly human-like psychotic smile dripping with fresh blood. It was the fact that although he was apparently well-fed, whoever he resided with didn't care to much about his cleanliness. For the long shaggy coat was extremely matted and overgrown even for husky standards.

She most definitely would have went over and attempted to do what she could about the state of his fur with her bare hands alone, had another figure not decided to step out of the under brush that very moment. She nearly gasped at the creature that had followed the demon-dog into the clearing. Its un-godly long scythe-like claws were almost as long as it's entire body that was hunched over, almost as if it took to much effort to keep the large appendages lifted off the ground if it stood up straight.

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