The End?

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My mates body looked like a Durant from atop of the cliff. I stood, shaking, having no idea what in the PokéPuffs just happened. Am I dreaming? Then, the tears came. I started crying and I never cried before, even the day EeEe disappeared because I knew I'd find her, but now. Now, she's gone. Gone! Just like that! I'd been too late with bringing the stick. And it's all my fault. "Shade snap out of it!" Sapphire yelled while shaking me. "Follow me." Sapphire said. Me and Ruby followed Sapphire down the slope towards the bottom of the cliff. I rushed over to Gold and EeEe's body's. Please don't be dead, please don't be dead. Arceus let her live! I'd do anything! Anything! Just let her live. I begged in my head. I gasped when I saw Gold's bloody, broken body on the ground. His eyes stared lifelessly at the setting sun. He seemed small and frail, unlike the way he looked earlier. EeEe landed against him so I pulled her away gently. "Oh EeEe." I murmured. " I   leaned my ear to her chest, hoping. Hoping for a miracle. That's what I got. "She's Alive!!!" I shouted. "She's alive." Ruby and Sapphire rushed over.  "EeEe, say something!" I begged. She slowly opened her eyes and took a deep, shaky, breath and gasped. "Shadow?" "Yes?!" I shouted happily. "I'm-I'm, I'm hungry. We all laughed and cried because EeEe was alive. But I soon forgot about Gold, because I only cared about one thing: her. EeEe, my true love, because true love does exist and this is ours.

I lifted EeEe on my back and Ruby carried Gold's body. Then we started the dreadful journey, climbing back up. We all walked in silence. Maybe its because we all had mixed feelings. We didn't know if we should be happy because of EeEe or sad because of Gold. As long as I have EeEe I'm fine, I thought to myself. I'm fine. And with her, I always will be...

Sorry about the short chapter, my little Mudkipz, but it's time for dinner and hey, I liek food. (Don't judge.) Once again:


   (Ya, I'm always gonna say that) [or write it, whatever]

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