The Celestial Knight - One Shot

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Ping. Ping. 

The clasp had broken off and bounced on the floor with the noise of tinkling silver bells on Christmas. However, the moment was not very merry- in fact, it was just the opposite. 

The necklace was gripped by Courtney, and it hovered a few inches above Valeriana's neck. The exquisite jewelry had the dangling strings swinging back and forth tauntingly. The act had gone too far that it even shocked the doer herself, Courtney. 

Stunned silence and tension was very enriching in the atmosphere to the point an evil villain could bathe and enjoy it. However, Courtney was no villain- at least, she didn't mean to be one- and astonishment stabbed her in the stomach.

"Get off of her, you disgrace of a Celestial Knight!" Corvan, quick to respond, yelled. Snapping out her state of mind, Courtney moved off of the human girl and stood up. Yet, a faint white glow pulsed through Valeriana's skin and started to grow brighter. 

Corvan, about to make a run to help Valeriana, was paralyzed in shock once again. Surely enough, he wanted to be the one to pull the necklace off and cackle menacingly as the human was reduced to pitiful pile of ashes... but he wasn't so sure of it now. The thought that Valeriana would be dead soon had his heart jump into his throat, and Corvan was choking on it.

Reality was, no human could withstand Valemnia's pressure. Lord Corvan felt like reality slapped him with a frozen fish- or whatever the human called those tiny, scaly creatures in the mortal realm. 

Valeriana struggled to stand up, but only barely managed to sit on her knees. An invisible force slammed into her and she strained to keep her balance. Another wall slammed into her again, and this time it was a wall of pain. A scream tore through her as it continued. She fell to the floor, curling up into a ball as if to defend herself and kept screaming. 

Corvan quickly ran to her aid like a madman who has gotten his most prized sword stolen by a thief. 

"Bring her to the infirmary, quick!" Lord Aeron hollered. Corvan kneeled and gathered her in his arms, knowing full well she was in no shape to take a simple stroll. 

Stupid witch, what has she gotten herself into now? He thought. Valeriana's skin was cold as ice, but Corvan refused to let her go. Charging to the direction of the infirmary, the Headmaster and court leader followed quickly. 

As the young lord reached the infirmary, the Headmaster wrenched the door open and let Corvan march inside first. Hurriedly setting Valeriana down on a nearby bed, Lord Aeron soon joined them. He kneeled by her, staring intently at the faintly white-glowing human. 

Valeriana was screaming louder as each burst of pain was more persistent and painfuller. 

"Relax. Succumb to the pain." Lord Aeron whispered gently. The human peered at the lord with tears in her eyes. "I know you can. Just do it." 

The human girl choked on another scream and attempted to follow his directions. She tried easing herself with the thoughts of family. It made it more painful to think about her family, and she broke into another fit of screams. Nurses came rushing in, but were signalled to keep away by the Headmaster. Nothing the nurses could do would help the distressed human. 

"Try it, you stupid witch!" Corvan yelled, not wanting to see the girl scream any longer. The screams tore through him and had him fearing for her life. She turned her head to look at Corvan. Valeriana tried yet again to relax while the young lord reached for her hand and held it between his hands. "Do it for me." 

Valeriana eased herself, no longer trying to mentally defend herself from the invisible waves of pain. She gasped when she felt a presence enter her mind. The girl unintentionally tried to bring her defenses up but it was too late. 

At ease, girl. I need to be in your mind to help coach you about your future. A voice rang through her mind. Though, it was too much for the girl and she shut her eyes, passing out. 

It had been three days and four hours since Valeriana. Corvan knew so because he was counting and had stayed at her side since the day the necklace was removed. His eyes were bloodshot and had dark semi-circles under his eyes. Needless to say, he looked and felt like total trash. 

 Chavi had also been at her side, but he forced her to sleep when she was warring with her eyelids to stay up. The ten other Celestial Knights had visited Valeriana, all of which commenting on the Cold Prince's state of mentality and appearance. They were convinced that a) he was crazy and b) his appearance could compete with those of a demon's.

 Chavi was currently dozing on the bed next to Valeriana's. 

 Lord Corvan casually looked around the infirmary, seeing no one in sight. Then, he leaned over in the chair he had pulled up next to the human girl's bed, whispering into her ear. 

 "Wake up, Roaring Tiger." Valeriana did not stir. "Come on, wake up." Sighing, Corvan scratched his oily hair, which no one dared to mention was dirty.

Her skin had lost the faint white glow after she had passed out. 

"How did that song go, Valeriana?" He asked. Corvan then started to quietly sing, "I'm a roaring tiger, faster than your fire and you're going to watch me soar or-or-or-or.

Valeriana cranked one eye open. 

 "Sing that again," she whispered. Stunned, the young lord gave a jolt.

"Wha-wha-what?" Valeriana gave him a pleading look. "Fine."

Corvan composed himself, clearing his throat. He was excited that she had finally awoke.

"Um.. I'm a roaring tiger, faster than your fire and you're going to watch me soar oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh." A grin played on Valeriana's lips, and she started shaking with laughter. Corvan's cheeks warmed, not knowing whether she was laughing at him, but also found his stomach flipping over when she smiled. "What did I do?"

Valeriana recovered, "You're singing it wrong. It's so cute though." A flutter went through her as she realized that the Cold Prince had not only sung for her, but grew red. The lord turned a shade darker when she mentioned "cute." 

"It goes like this: 

I got the eye of the tiger, the fire

Dancing through the fire

'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar!

Valeriana sung it a few times before Corvan joined in. The infirmary was now filled with two soft voices singing a song of defiance and strength. Maybe it was singing, however, it was a deafening roar between them. 

And you will hear them roar.

A/N: This is for a competition. I dare say, it's alright for me spending three hours. I was really determine to make this... even if my schedule forbade me. 

It was really difficult coming up with something since I've read the ending so it influenced me a bit. 

I would make other alternate versions, but I'm out of juice. 

If you liked it, I hope that you vote for this! Feedback would be greatly appreciated! 

Thank you! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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