Chapter 16

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"Excuse me. I couldn't get you.", Manik kept his calm. Soha knew Manik had heard her perfectly but as it was human nature they like to deny the facts that were too heavy for then to handle. She expected it to appear as a shock to him.

"I was the first woman who got married with you Manik. I was your first wife." She spoke each word clearly and observed Manik.

He stared at her in complete disbelief and shock. He was frantically trying to place things in place. But he was at loss. His brain was not ready to provide him with information's that he craved for. Several thoughts swirled across him as he finally turned to face Soha. He needed answers.

He tried his best to calm himself and then slowly looked at Soha. She was not bad as a lady. Her bright face and careful eyes made her look like a beauty. He wondered what made him comply to break off his marriage and get into another one.

"So you were my wife. But what you said about Mannat? Is that true too? You are her mother?", Manik asked.

Soha nodded letting him know it was the truth.

"Okay.", Manik sighed taking in the news.

"I know Manik its a lot for you. Coping up with the new life and everything. But I promise all will be good with time, just give this a little more time", she touched his shoulders giving him the comfort he needed.

Manik looked back at the lady sitting beside him meeting her dazzling soothing smile and he wondered again why they settled for having a different life.

"Would you mind if I ask you something?", Manik asked some what hesitantly.

"Sure anything you want to. Shoot", Soha encouraged him.

There was free carelessness and happy go lucky form in her. Who would have known she was the one behind destroying him.

"Why did we .... Uhhh why did we split?"

Soha stared at him for sometime a rush of memories flooding through her mind.

Coming....", came a male voice and soon the door flung open.

There stood Harshad staring at Manik and Nandini in disbelief.

Manik just glared at him and Nandini oblivious to everything tried to understand the situation. Meanwhile Soha shouted from inside," Who is it? The hotel staff?".

When there was no response from either side Soha came out in a night gown and the sight shocked her. She stammered," Maa nn ikkk".....

"You were telling me na, Nandini that I have a wife waiting for me at home. No she is not...... Here she is sleeping with other men.", Manik shouted looking at Soha.

"I can explain, Manik...", Soha tried to speak.

But Manik cut her and said," No need. I don't want an explanation. You will get the divorce papers tomorrow. And I will take full custody of Mannat. She was your problem right, the reason for marrying me. Well she don't need a mother like you."

Manik shouted all this at one go.

She didn't have words to express how sorry she was for her ways. But then she was another Soha. She has changed her ways to turn and mould herself into a nice person far more better than the bitch she once was.

"The fault was mine Manik. I was the one who broke our—", but before she could continue Manik's cell buzzed.

He reached for his pockets and pulled out his phone. He glanced the screen. It was Nandini.

"Shit!", she must be so worried. He had fled away from the scene like a coward leaving Nandini alone to deal with everything. He was stupid. So very stupid. He immediately picked up the call and mouthed a silent sorry to Soha. She nodded and turned to the other side as if watching the garden giving Manik some space.


"Hey Manik! Where are you guys?", she seemed okay and surprisingly cool. Manik understood she had dealt with her demons alone. She was a brave woman and Manik felt a tinge of pride for her. He need to learn the way of tackling his devils from her.

"Just by the park.", Manik replied.

"Don't be late, I am setting up the table", Nandini reminded him.

"Sure and Nandini I am sorry for everything, I know I shouldn't have left like that but—"

"Its okay Manik. Bring Mannat home and we will talk after lunch", she softly spoke.

"Mannat? She isn't with me.", Manik was startled.

"What! Didn't you pick her up from school?" Nandini's voice was laced with confusion.

"No. I didn't go that way." Manik spoke not getting what was happening.

"How can it happen. I went to pick her up but the authorities told she had left already. So I thought u have picked her up", Nandini could no longer keep the strain off her voice.

"But I am saying, I didn't pick her up Nandini. God! I am racing to her school. Its down the 6th street right.", Manik was already up on his feet.

He could hear Nandini's silent sobs from the other end.

"Hey hey nandu, listen nothing is going to happen to her okay. I am going to find her. Trust me okay. I will call you once I get her. Be safe will you?", he asked in the softest way he could muster.

"I will.", her short confirm was enough for him to go on.

"Bye", he hung up on her and faced an equally terrified Soha.

"What happened?", her voice just a whisper.

"Mannat is missing.", Manik could feel a blast of loneliness wrap around him as he croaked those words out.

He needed to find her, he needed to find her soon.

Well I am not dead. I am still alive but I wasn't into writing for a while. I was almost on the verge of deleting this sequel but your constant love and sweet demands kept me from doing it. And so here I am with an update. Hope u like it. Am writing after really long so fingers crossed.

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