I Did Wrong

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He was three when he had started to notice things changing slowly around him. The insults thrown at him at school,and the negligence of his parents and elder brother at home. But he was only a child. He could only observe as things started to break him bits by bits without him even knowing.

He was five when his parents were completely ignoring him. Heck,sometimes they even forgot that he had even existed. In his parents eyes were only his brothers. But he liked to hold on to that remaining fragment of hope that his parents cared and loved him too. No matter how small it was,if there was a chance,even if it was only 1%,he would like to believe it might come true someday.

He was seven when he gradually started to lose faith. His bullying in school worsened and nobody came to help him. Not even his brothers. Instead,they turn a blind eye when they saw him getting beat up. He had long given up on hoping for them to help. But surely his mother was different,right? Wrong. She was the same. She didn't even bat an eyelash at him when he had returned home,covered with bruises. 'Things can't possibly be any wrong,right?'. But the chill he felt told him otherwise.

He was nine when he felt utterly useless. Every time he sees his family,his stomach churns uncomfortably inside. He had want nothing to do with them. They have not even talked to him anymore and he still couldn't understand why. He kept these feelings bottled up,and hoped for the better to come. Not that he really believed in it. How could he? His hopes were crushed repeatedly for nine years and he was wavering. It was a miracle that he still had some faith. "They still love me. I know they do. But..".

And finally,he was ten when all his hopes were shattered.

"I was wrong".

Tsunayoshi said quietly as he softly shut the door in front of him. His brown eyes reflected nothing but sorrow and hurt as he quietly looked at his 'family' laughing and smiling on the other side of the door. He leaned against the closed door and slowly slid down. It was as if a dam being open,tears started flowing down from his eyes. Hiccups and sobs were heard as Tsuna desperately tried to tone it down to avoid him being heard by the occupants outside.

Why are you doing this to me? Why?

Today was the 14th of October,meaning it's Tsuna's birthday. But not only did they forget about him,they celebrated his twin's instead. That was what made him felt so unwanted and sad. As he cried silently,he reminisced about a certain conversation he had with his mother.

"Tsu-kun! Oh my gosh,it was your birthday too wasn't it? I'm very sorry Tsu-kun. Mama was so busy with Nami-kun's party that I've forgotten about yours. Please forgive mama okay? I'll be sure to remember yours next year!".


Just remembering that made Tsuna winced and had him chuckling softly. "I was really wrong. Your words filled with false hope were so sweet that I didn't realize you were playing me with those words everyday".

Loud laughters were heard behind the door Tsuna was leaning against. He wanted nothing to do with them anymore. Hearing them laugh and enjoying themselves were like poison to him. He cradled his head and slowly brought his legs towards him. His eyes,puffy from crying,slowly closes as he shut the noises out and succumbed to the comforting darkness.

A few months later,Tsuna completely shut himself out. He almost never talked to his family anymore and no one seemed to care. Well,they did at first but eventually shrugged it off. For months of solitude,Tsuna had finally found a friend. It was a white cat which approached Tsuna after a beating from his bullies. And as one would expect,he got attached to the small feline and vice versa. Shiro was the name of the cat.

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