I ran, I ran as fast as I could, I ran so well I actually ran into a boy with earbuds. I could faintly hear Japanese theme music coming from them and instantly recognized the theme song from 'Your Lie In April' , my favorite animé show. "Whoa, hey watch where your going! I...ah." he said, taking out his ear buds. "Sorry, I ah, I didn't mean to snap at you like that." He apologized. "I'm sorry, but I don't have time for this, something is chasing me, so as you can imagine I'm in a hurry." I replied, thinking that all the words that needed to be exchanged were said. I started running again. "Hey, wait! " He started. Ugh, oh no. Does this guy have any idea... I thought to myself "you said that something was chasing you."he finished. "Who am I kidding, I know exactly what it is. So if you plan on following me, you better be able to hold your own." I said, the last thing I saw before taking off into the night was the confused expression on the boys face.