
668 21 3

In your point on view, I'm using "I" or "me" etc...

"(Y/n) ! Come here !"

"Coming dad !" I said will running down stairs.
I discover my dad cooking something.
"Mm, it smells good ! What is it ?"

My dad turn around with a piece of food in his hand.

"Something new. Can you taste it for me ?" He says giving me the food.

I pick it up carefully and try it.
The taste was absolutely...

I say in a very pitch voice.
My dad smiles at me and return to his work.

"(Y/n) ? I need some mushrooms for this new dish. Can you go to the forest and get some for me, please ?"

"Sure dad !"
I quickly pick up my stuff and was planning to open the door when a voice interrupts me.
It was my mom.

"Wait darling !!"

I turn around to see my mom looking at me with some papers in her hands.
"Please read the news paper, you need to know some things."
She said with a serious tone.
She gives me the news paper and I began to read.

[Time skip of the reading]

"Herobrine is kidnapping women and kills them ? Gross..."

My mom looks at me. She is scared for me, I can see it in her eyes.
"I wanted you to read this so can know what's going out there. Take a sword and be prepared, I know that you are a good fighter."
She gives ma a kiss on the cheek and watch me going in the woods.
Well that Herobrine sure is spooky.
We all heard all sort of storys about him, each of them were ending by death.
The sun starts to pass out, I need to rush if I don't want to be killed by the hostile mobs.
Half an our passed. No mushrooms and it's already dark.
I can't go home without any mushrooms, my dad will be piss on me.
I sight and continue the walk.
Strangely, I didn't see any mob around. It's night time, right ?
Well, not a problem, it's a advantage for me.

[Time skip of the walking]

Uh, I'm not finding nothing.
I plan to turn around and go home, but soon realised that I was lost.
"Oh, how great !"
I said to myself. Maybe I should built a house and pass the night in. My mom is probably scared to death for me, either my dad, maybe.

Well, it's not I have an other choice. I soon start my house and finished in 10 minutes.

t was a little wooden house.
I enter and put my bag on the floor. Luckily, I had a bed in my inventory. I quickly put it and jump on it. I was so tired !
My eyes soon closed and I fell asleep.

Where am I ? It's so dark here.
I look around, nothing, only endless dark...I started to run. From what ? I don't know, I just know that it's for my life.
It's catching me up.
I fell a grab on my shoulder.

I wought up in shock. It was only a dream. But, it wasn't the reason why I wought up. My house was in fire ! I quickly grab my bag and run outside of the wooden house.
What happened when I was asleep ? I look around for more evidence. Nothing... I look up the sky.
Looks like it's 4 am.
The day was windy, no sun, only clouds and cold weather.
Good thing that I took a sweat with me. I had nothing to do but to walk in the direction where I was coming. I really don't know where I'm right now. I keep walking but with the strange felling that someone is watching me.
It wasn't a slightly felling.
I know that someone is watching me. Sudently, I heard some footsteps approaching in my direction. I pull out my sword and turn around my sword in the air.

"Who's there ?"

My voice... It was full of fear.
Nobody was here. Probably my imagination, but still...
I turn around and I little scream goes out of my mouth.
A tall man was standing about 10 meters of me. He looks like Steve with his light blue shirt and his dark blue pants. He had messy brown hair, Steve didn't.
But what was very noticing, was his eyes. White eyes. I couldn't see more because of the darkness. Clouds were blocking the sun.
I drop my sword of surprise. I just keep staring at him, full of fear. He starts to walk in my direction, with a diamond sword in his hand. I grab my sword and was ready to defend myself.
He stops and just keep staring at me. He's waiting for something.
Sudently, I hear a little sound. Like something was flying in my direction. Time slow down. My heart start to beat faster.
I slowly move my body to the left.
An arrow pass next to my hade for only few centimetres. It was poisoned, I know it.
Time went it's usual way. Everything was fast.
The poisoned arrow was now going on the direction of Herobrine. With a very fast mouvement, he catches the arrow with a single hand and break it then throw away.

"I need to admit that I didn't expect you to avoid my arrow."

So it was his arrow ? Well, I kinda expected it. But how did he do that ? A smirk appear on his face.

"Oh well, I will enjoy killing you more than the others."
I froze when I heard the sentence.
He then starts to run toward me with his sword. He swings his sword at me and hits.

I block his attack. I could barely hold it, his hit was very strong.
He looks at me with a evil grin.
By reflex, I hit him whit a kick on his belly. My kick push him away from me. I didn't expect that it would be so strong.
He steps a little away, hand on his belly. He looks at me again, I could see anger in his eyes.
It's going bad for me.
Sudently, he disappear.
Where is he ?

It was his voice. I turn around to hit him, but I was too slow.
A strong force of energy hit me and throw me on a tree.
I fell down, my whole body hurts, I can't see right, everything was blurred. I could see him coming to me. He had a large grin.
No...I won't end here. My whole body was in adrenaline.
I was still on the ground.
I hit him on his leg. He screams out of pain. He falls on the ground. I got up quickly and punch him in the face. He falls backwards. I grab my sword and plant the sword in his chest.
My body start to hurt again.
Did I...Did I kill him ?!
I turn around, trying to go away from there. It was difficult to walk since my whole body hurts.
An evil laugh starts behind me.
I slowly turn around to see him standing and laughing with the sword in his chest. His shirt was all bloody. What the ??
How did he survive ?!
He stops his laugh and look at me with a smirk.

"First time that I woman got a shot like that on me."

Oh yeah ? He can easily kill me, I'm all weak. He raises an eyebrow.
"I won't kill you."

He won't ?! I don't say nothing, i don't have enough energy. But I try.

"You won't ? What will you do with me ?"

"You'll be my prisoner instead."
He teleports right behind me and grips my hand.
My whole hand start to hurt more than all my body parts.
And I faint in his arms.

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