The escape

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He takes me in the middle of the giant room. He was dancing, I wasn't. I was just following his moves, I don't really know how to dance. The music was smooth, like a lullaby. None of us say a word. I was to scares and I don't know for him. I don't really know much about him. Only things I knew were coming of these storys. He sudently raises his hand and I by reflex, turn around.
What ? From where did that come from ? I look up at him, continuing dancing. He was looking at me, with a pretty smile. Gah ! What am I saying ?! I directly look down at the floor, trying to seek my blushing. When I think about now, It's kinda getting weird.
He stops dancing, so do I too.
He grabs my shoulder with his metal grab and kiss me.
What ??? I push him off me.
I look at him surprise and confused. He looks at me with surprise. Thanks anger replace the surprise.

"You can go now... You can wander in the castle if you want...
But don't escape, or you'll see."
Now I was sure that he was pissed off. He told me this in a agressive way.

I literally run out of the room.
Before leaving it, I quickly take a look behind me.
He was looking at ground, with anger and dissapointness.
If what he said was true, I need to change my clothes quickly. I'm felling uncomfortable in this dress. I enter in "my" room witch was as cold as in the morning.
Wherever his castle is, he really need to make it more warm.
I take a t-shirt, jeans, my comfortable choose and a sweater. I put all my clothes and walk away from the room.
I take another corridor than yesterday. The style was the same. Red carpet, artificial light and grey walls. For some reason, this part of the castle was way more warmer than my prison, sorry, room...
I was walking slowly and quietly.
Did he really forced a kiss out of me ? I need to admit to myself that... I didn't really hate it.
But I didn't like it either !
I juste keep walking and thinking about the whole situation.
Strange... more info was going into the castle, the more it was getting hotter.
Something appear in my vision.
Is that a window ??
I run to it and look through it.
A red biom appear in front of me.
The nether. It explains why it's getting hotter but not why it's cold as hell !
I walk away from the window.
Sigh. I just want to go home.
I continue my walk, not looking where I was going.
I hit into something and fell on my but. I look up. I was a large door.
the style was different of all the other doors. It was dark with some drawings on it.
I get up and look in it.
Darkness, complete darkness.
I try to open the door when I voice interrupts me from behind.

"Did the prisoner of Master escaped ?"

I turn around to see an enderman standing and looking at me.

"N-no, he allowed me to wander in his castle." I say with a little voice.

"Oh ok, well excuse me."
He apologies.

I just keep staring at him, waiting him to go away. He was looking at me too.

"I wouldn't stay here. This room is forbidden to everyone."

I look at him a little confuse.

"Why ?"
I say with a pretty voice (you're trying but...)

"I can't tell. I was forbidden to."

Oh dear Notch. This isn't getting better, my curiosity is growing bigger.

"Well ok, I will just move away."

He doesn't answer back.
Why is everybody so impolite here ?! This just poss me piss me off a little.
I turn around and continue my way. What is this room ?
I want to know but not now.
The corridor wasn't ending.
How huge is his castle ?!
Sudently I hear a little noise coming from the wall.
I put my ear to hear it better.
I know that sound. What is it ? I can't remember. It's getting closer and closer. Wait is this...
A choc throw me on the ground.
I see a man coming from the hall that pushed me on the ground. He had a diamond pickaxe.
Yeah I was right, mining sound.
I look at his face. He had brown hair, light blue shirt and dark blue pants. He ressemble a lot to herobrine, but he had something that he didn't. Blue ocean eyes.
I realise soon that it was Steve.
The best survivor of Minecraftia.
I never met him in person, just saw him on the newspapers.

"Who are you ?"
He asks nicely.

"I'm  (Y/n)."

"Nice name ! I'm Steve !"

"Oh yours is cool too."
I was excited to finally meet him for the first time. He is the first creation of Notch ! Everyone know him !

"So yeah. Mind if I ask what are you doing here ? It's the mansion of Herobrine. And how are you still alive ? He kills all living being."

Woopsie doopsie, I expected that question.

"Y-yes I do know that is herobrine's mansion. He said that he wasn't going to kill."
I say in a little voice that is hard to be heard. But looks like he heard very good.

"Incredible ! I don't know how but !
Just incredible. Wait... if you're still alive, why don't you go away from there ?"

"Ehm, because... I'm... his prisoner..."

His eyes open large. He then looks away and I assume that he's thinking.

"Come with me, I'll help you to escape."He takes my hand and take me into the hall.
He barricades the hall and point me to a direction.
Well ok, but I can't see nothing !
He then just give normally a torch.
I walk to the direction he pointed at. From a long distance, I could see, what appears to be a portal.
Great ! I'm already sick of this choking atmosphere.
Steve and I rush to the portal, closing all the way back to the castle. I don't know why, but I was feeling like a piece of me likes this place and wishes to stay in. Near him...
Steve smiles at me and take my hand. We both step together in the portal. Sudently a scream.
Not from me, not from Steve.
But from him !
He knows that I escaped.
I look at Steve. He had confidence in his look.
I hear an explosion coming from the way we came out.
And than we teleport into the overworld.

Okay, I admit that nothing super special in this chapter but I promise that the other chapters will be better than this one ! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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