8. Fill my Tattooed Heart

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When I reached Steve's door, I knocked. When he didn't answer, I went in. He was sitting on his bed, drawing.
"Steve?" I asked. His head popped up.
"Harmony?" He asked. I smiled and shut his door, enclosing us in the dark room.
"Yap. The human slash psychopath." I say as I sit on his bed. "You ok?" I asked him softly. Steve clenched his fists.
"What were you doing with Storm." He practically growled. I frowned.
"Harley was messing with him. Told him to sleep with one eye open because the voices didn't like him." I explain. Steve let out a sigh of relief.
"Don't do that again. I might have to kill him." Steve says. I laugh and nod. I give Steve a hug and cuddle into his side. Steve instinctively wrapped is arms around my side as I laid my head on his chest.
"What were you drawing?" I asked. Steve slightly turned red.
"Well, um, it always made me wonder what Harley would look like if she was a human. So I drew what I though she would look like." He said, handing me the drawing. It looked like I dressed when I lived in Gotham. The full body suit, red on one side, black on the other. Harley's signature diamonds on the sides. The white ruffle around the collar of her suit. Her blonde hair, in two pigtails. I smiled at Steve.
"It's actually pretty accurate. It's what she looked like in Gotham, after Bruce rescued me. She looks different now. Same pigtails, but her tips are dyed pink and blue. She wears fishnet leggings, with blue and red metallic booty shorts over them. She wears a tee shirt with holes in it that says 'Daddys Little Monster', and a jacket that says 'Property of The Joker'." I say. Steve starts drawing. A few minutes later, he pulls the paper out of his notebook.
"Like this?" He asked. I smiled.
"Yeah. Oh! And we have tattoos. Down out right side jaw, it says ROTTEN, and under our left eye, there is an empty heart." I say. He studies my face.
"You have a tattoo?" He said. I laugh and smile.
"Yeah." I lick my hand and wipe the concealer off my face. My two tattoos show up. Steve sets his hand on the left side of my face, setting his thumb on my heart.
"Can I fill it?" He asked. I was confused.
"Full what?" I ask. He smiled sheepishly.
"Your heart." He said. Then slowly, as if giving me time to change my mind, brought his lips to mine.

Like damn! In the 40s, did they send you to kissing school??

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