Edited by Emily made by Emily
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CHAPTER 1: life starts
"Ally get up time for school" my mom jane calls to me Oh great I think to my self another year I stretch out of .bed and put on my blue jeans,hot pink top with a black blazer I put boots on grab my bag and a muffin and run out of the door to the bus stop I hear my mom yell,"have a nice day sweetie" and I think "yeh I will -try to. I arrive and I already feel the tension level go up about 100 feet and my insides feel out I walk threw the halls of memories or at least that's what we call it- as in we I mean me and everyone else in this entire dame school of hell . One girl says oh look the slut arrived and then looked down and obviously my jeans were slutty to her. another girl pushed me into a locker and laughed So that's when I got MAD and punched the girl in the face she starts freaking out. But I whispered ,"don't worry your face was already messed up".
Teen FictionAbout : a young 16 year old girl is bullied and teased because she is what people call "different" but the bulling get taken to the next level and she might not be Abel to Handel she starts doing things that she WILL regret