Luke had soup.
Luke was a boy, who lived in a place and was actually a secret ninja. He couldn't tell anybody other than a dinosaur though, because then it wouldn't be a secret. It doesn't count if he told the Dinosaur because dinosaurs are the true keepers and guardians of secrets. But anyway, this soup was cool.
Rosa didn't have soup
Rosa was a girl who also lived in a place, but she wasn't a ninja, she was a dinosaur. She was pretty lame but Luke the ninja seemed to disagree. However, Rosa didn't have soup so it was impossible to dictate how cool or downright unrad her Non-existent soup was.
Luke had soup
Did I mention that Luke had made this soup using only his bare hands, his magical powers, his amazing guitar playing, Rosas notebook and Rosas favorite plectrum, since Luke had crafted a dinosaur guitar for her because he was the absolute best ninja and saw how much she loved to play the guitar? I don't recall doing so.
Rosa didn't have soup.
Luke and Rosa both lived in places, but those places were a whole five minutes apart so Rosa the Dinosaur was sad and Luke the secret ninja couldn't share his soup with her. He couldn't give her soup, (which to be clear to everyone who has ever walked the earth, is not a euphemism. It's genuine soup you dirty minded little goats!) but he could wear a super rad bobble hat and make her smile when they did talk.
Luke had soup.
Luke knew that somehow, his dinosaur friend would need to have some soup so she could live forever and ever and he wouldn't be without her. They made a plan to meet in the nearest location chaparoned by Rosas closest friend, Marcilene . Rosa had chosen Marcy as the chaperon in case Luke ever pulled any of those damn ninja moves on Rosa a kapOWED her face up, though she trusted him not to ever do that intentionally.
Rosa didn't have soup
So basically, they intended to meet in the middle. They decided that would be a very good idea since neither of them wanted to walk a whole 5 minutes as much as they wanted to see eachother. The land Of Ooo was the best location for their meeting, so Luke the ninja used his ninja magic to get there
Luke had soup
Rosa decided to take a ride on her motorcycle to get to Ooo to see her favorite Ninja. So she did and then she met Marcy, with whom she would be staying. In the night, Marcy bit Rosa, so she then became a vampire. Little did she know, this would turn into a vampire dinosaur
Rosa didn't have soup
The next day Luke went to meet Rosa so he could give her a bowl of soup. Luke was unaware of the previous nights events and the immortality it had provided his dinosaur pal with. Unbeknownst, Luke brought the soup along anyway. He finally found the meeting place that he and Rosa had agreed on, and sat on a bench.
Luke had soup
After 16 minutes, Luke grew worried. She had yet to arrive and he was very worried she had taken some avocado and overslept. As he pulled his phone out to call her, her and Marcilene arrived, though Rosa looked paler (if that was possible).
Rosa has soup now
Rosa and Luke hugged, and Luke didn't kapOW up her face. She didn't want to explain that she was happy for once, so she just told him she was a vampire now
Luke had his favorite dinosaur
Rosa had her favorite Ninja
Super orange unicorn poop
AdventureA 1 part story I wrote for my best friend, Whom I now call SOUP Love you pal c: <3