Chapter 8

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*Zachs pov*
The next morning we woke up to the sound of Weston hyperventilating. I freaked out I didn't know what to do! I yelled nurse and he came running through. He helped Weston calm down and he was ok. He also gave us the papers we signed them and we could leave. Sense he was paralyzed we had to get him in he automatic wheel chair thing. We finally got him in and left. We brought him to Liza's house. I called Liza.
*convo w/ Liza*
L-Liza Z-Zach
Z-hey can I take Weston to your house?
L-Um I will ask..
Z-K thanks
*A minute later*
L- You can :)
Z- Ok thanks so much:)
*end of convo*
We got him to lizas house and he was wheeling around in his wheel chair luckily she didn't have stairs. Well not luckily. that's just why we took him there.
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter I don't really know where I'm going with it so I'm just gonna continue on the next chapter.

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