opening the soul

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Opening your soul will open your spiritual eyes and lead you to see the truth and obtain enlightenment

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Opening your soul will open your spiritual eyes and lead you to see the truth and obtain enlightenment. In addition, you will discover many so-called "supernatural" powers within yourself when you empower your chakras. When the chakras are correctly aligned and empowered, healing of both physical, and mental ailments will often occur miraculously.
1. Opening the Third Eye

2. Opening the Crown Chakra and Awakening the Pineal Gland

3. Opening the Throat Chakra

4. Opening the Heart Chakra

5. Opening the Solar Plexus Chakra

6. Opening the Sacral Chakra

7. Opening the Base Chakra

8. Opening the 8th and 9th Shoulder Chakras

9. Opening the 10th and 11th Chakras Temple Chakras

10. Opening the 12th and 13th Hip Chakras

11. Opening and Empowering the Hand Chakras

12. Opening the Feet Chakras

13. Opening the Sixth Chakra

13. Opening the Minor Chakras
[contains a diagram]Azazel who is a Master of Spiritual Alchemy worked with me in detail on each one of these meditations. 7/21/07, several have been revised in light of new knowledge. These meditations are extremely powerful and often, the effects can be felt hours later. It is important to follow instructions and if you are new to power meditation, to go slow. If you have already done the former meditations, it is fine to do these. Quite a few people reported little or no effects from the former meditations that were taken from books.

There are a certain number of repetitions for each exercise. If you find you are getting over stimulated, it is advised you end the exercise and back off. The exercise can be resumed at a later date while you give your nervous system time to adjust to the increased life force. It is strongly recommended to give yourself a few days or more between each exercise.People who have problems with seizures/epilepsy, or who are on psychiatric medications should not perform any of these power meditations, with the exception of void meditation, unless given the ok by their physician. They are highly effective in opening the chakras and stimulating the kundalini. These new meditations are filled with Satanic energy. Those who have not dedicated or are outsiders should give this consideration. For dedicated Satanists, the effects should be very positive in opening and empowering the chakras and in increasing personal power.
These meditations produce very rapid results. Standard kundalini meditations of the New Age variety can take years to have a pronounced effect. These meditations, like Satanism are the real thing.
Void meditation is highly recommended in order to control the thoughts and mind that will be stimulated by the opening of the chakras.

There are a certain number of repetitions for each exercise. If you find you are getting over stimulated, it is advised you end the exercise and back off. The exercise can be resumed at a later date while you give your nervous system time to adjust to the increased life force.

The meditations are performed with specific chants for each chakra. Each chant is based on the Yogic Humming Breath. With this breath, you inhale to fill your lungs and with the exhale, you vibrate the chant until you are out of breath, then you breathe in and fill your lungs as before. This breath is normally used with the throat chakra;
1. Inhale through your nose, filling your lungs
2. Exhale on one long vibration, this will draw out the exhale
3. Breathe in again and repeat.

Some of the chants/vibrations are based upon runes. Runes are based upon the constellations and are the most ancient of alphabets. They are the original form of writing and the cuneiform script was derived from them.* Many of the runes can still be seen in the cuneiform characters. The runes have always been an abomination to the xian church, more so than with any other form of magick.

For the first through fourth chakras, it is necessary to apply what is known as the "Jalandahara Bandha." This is where you nod your head and press your chin firmly, but gently against your chest. This greatly facilitates the effects of the chants in the lower chakras.

Mudras [hand positions] are used as these connect certain circuits within the fingers and redirect the life force to the chakra being opened. Some of these are difficult, especially if your hands are larger. These mudras are helpful, but not necessary. If you find any of these hand positions difficult, just leave them out.

You should focus on the chakras in the middle of your body. Extensions are along the spine and in the front of the body. Opening and empowering these are more advanced and specific meditations are given in the advanced meditation volume. Too much stimulation right away is undesirable. Everyone comes to Satanism on different levels. Those of us who empowered our souls in past lives will be much more sensitive to the meditations. This is inborn, but anyone who performs the following exercises will eventually open their chakras.
* From Azazel

© Copyright 2005, 2007, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

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