Dreams and visions.

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This is my first time i write a paranormal story so forgive me if I wrote things that were out. I really hope you enjoy this book and really hope to hear from you soon.
A picture of Beth.
I am a proud young maiden from my village. It's called Moon rock village because a moon rock was found around here somewhere. Some say a young maiden stole the moon rock and used it for her own purpose but luckily a young lad retrieved it and was grunted the powers of the golden moon rock.

Am not sure how can a moon rock be gold but in these times mysterious things happen. I was finally done with my work for the day that my aunt gave me. I live with my aunt and her two children Alex and Adora they are both 18 as for me am 17. My name is Beth, its not short for any other name it's simply Beth. I have long red hair with hazel eyes,5'2 feet with pale skin. Alex has brown hair with ocean blue eyes and 5'4 feet tall. He has a muscular body and toned skin where as Adora has long blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and 5'3 feet tall. She has toned skin as her brother and a beautiful body.
I finally finished washing my aunts clothes and went on to cook lunch. I did everything in the house where as Adora did nothing. Aunt Cindy says that Adora might get married to a god one day so she shouldn't be doing such things. Adora is very beautiful but I found it very unfair for her to do nothing and I everything, it was as if I was a slave or something but I tend to keep such thoughts away from me. I finished cooking the food then went upstairs to my room. I was alone and had nothing to do so I decided to take a quick nape before any of them came back.


It was in the middle of the night. The sky had a dark shade of blue and black as the crickets sang their songs. I was sitting on a bench near a wishing well all alone. I began looking around as I saw a cat behind the wish well. It looked so familiar yet I can't remember where have I seen it.

"What are you doing here all alone? It's not safe here alone little kitty."

I said as I picked it up and began petting it.

"Neither is it safe for you Beth. Hid to my warnings a person with no self recognition is one too weak and easy to control."

I was blown away! How could this be? A talking cat! What is it trying to say?


"Find out who you are so you won't tremble in the hands of the wicked."

And with that it disappeared from my arms!? Just like that.


I woke up from my creepy dream breathing heavily. What did that cat mean? I already know who I am. Am Beth daughter of Greg Gath and Zoe Gath. What did this mean? Ugh! I don't have time to ponder my head with so much questions on stupid riddles, plus it was in a dream so it can't be true. Dreams don't come true....right?

Ugh! I think I need a shower before aunt Cindy gets back and sends me to go fetch fire wood in the forest. After I showered I wore a cream and brown dress as I wore my black flats. I tied my hair in a messy ponytail and tidied up. My room is not to big nor to small, it's just okay. In the middle of the room is my bed which is a single bed, my medium wardrobe which was dark brown in color. Than a desk with a pile of historical books staked on it, than on the far right corner is a door that takes you to my bathroom. Than on the far left of the room is a window right near my bed.

I than suddenly heard a knock on the door, I wonder who it is? I hurried downstairs to the doorway and opened the door, I than saw a men in his late 40ties with brown hair, blue eyes and a well built body.

"Good day miss."

He said with a smile on his face. I looked at him for a few more seconds before I answered him.

"Good day to you too."

I said returning the kind gesture.

"I have a message for Mrs Cindy Adams."

He said as his tone became more serious. I wonder what is the message.?

"Well....she is not here but I can pass on the message to her if you'd like."

"Tell Mrs Cindy Adam's that the master wants what's his. And she must deliver."

He said with an evil grin. He than gave me a nod and left.

What did he mean when he said 'the master wants what's his' ? This is all to confusing. I wonder what did aunt Cindy get herself into?

I closed the door and went to the kitchen to dish up for myself. I finished eating and went to fetch the firewood before aunt Cindy sends me to go later in the evening. I took my axe and the wheelbarrow than left the house. I took my time walking thinking of what happened. Does this have something to do with Adora? I wonder what has she gotten herself into?

I finally got to the forest,well......the enchanted forest. I have heard rumors about this forest,that they are mystical creatures who roam this land. Even creatures of the dark but I have been coming here for quiet a while so I do not believe what they say. I began chopping down some brunches that were to my reach, suddenly I heard a humming of a familiar melody. I stopped everything I was doing as fear arose in my body. It sound like a woman's voice,it was so enchanting yet terrifying me. The reason being is how can a woman be in the woods this late? Well excluding me but I mean its me? So I did what anyone would do in my situation, I followed the enchanting melody........I know that you wouldn't have done that you would have cowered away but my curiosity got the best of me.
So I began my journey to search for the enchanting voice as I left me tools. I finally came to a stop and saw a woman carrying a baby sitting on a chopped tree. They were glowing because of the moon illuminating itself on them. I walked closer and the melody became louder,suddenly I found myself in a cottage the woman know sitting on a rocking chair. What happened to the woods? Am I dreaming? I stood still in front of the door watching the lovely lady who had red hair,pink lips,rosy cheeks and electrifying blue eyes....to put it short she was GORGEOUS!! I have never seen a woman this beautiful in my entire life. As I stood there  the door open as it went through me?!! Am I dreaming? Than a gentleman about 5'5 feet tall with dirty blonde hair,reddish lips,a muscular body and electrifying blue eyes....to cut it short he also looked amazingly GORGEOUS!! Who are these gorgeous people?

"Honey your home!" The beautiful lady said ,her hair placed in a neat bun.

"How are my two most favorite girls in the world!" The man who just got in said with a bright smile as his wife I assume came closer to him.
She gave him a kiss on the cheek as the man wrapped a hand around the beautiful lady's waist while they both stared at the baby in the lady's arms with adoration,love and happiness. I became curious so I walked closer to see this bundle of joy. As I came in view of the baby she looked so adorable! She had long white hair with red locks as well.....that was quiet strange but she looked so adorable they suited her perfectly! I came closer to the baby going through the parents which felt weird but I was to curious to see the baby.

My eyes than locked with the child's eyes,they were an electrifying blue with pinkish lips, rosy cheeks and the most cutest smile I have ever seen! If I could say she looked a bit like me........wait this woman holding the child looks like me too? Wait! Is this baby ME?! Are these my parents? This can't be.....I-I...this can't be me!? Where did the white hair come from? Than I saw something that BLEW MY MIND AWAY!! The child had gold dust coming from her hands as she drew a little heart with her baby hands!!! Now this defiantly can't be me!!
I began to back away from the scene as I stumbled and fell on the floor really hard.

I than let the darkness engulf me.

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