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In my opinion there's nothing wrong with being antisocial. Scientists say that humans are pack animals and we need each other to survive but that's bullshit. These 'scientists' obviously haven't heard of watching three seasons of true blood in one sitting. Alls a person really needs is some good entertainment and snacks. And no I'm not talking about prostitues, you pervert. But back to my main point there's nothing wrong with being antisocial, I'm antisocial. I'm not lonely or anything. I may spend hours a day trying to complete that class trial in danganronpa or I may sit there crying over some characters death for a while but I'm not lonely. I'm not lonely and I'm perfectly healthy.
Oh who am I kidding?! I've been sitting here for half an hour playing that shitty jumping dinosaur game that pops up on google chrome when your wifi is down. Fuck me, I need a life.
I look down at my phone which has been buzzing at me now for about thirty seconds. I pick it up slowly, read the caller ID and pick up.
"What is it Cindy?" I grumbled, my voice slightly hoarse from not speaking in over 48 hours.
"I told you never to call me that!" A familiar voice hissed at me.
"You love it" I smirked, I heard a sigh on the other end of the line.
"Whatever. Anyway, I was actually calling to tell you about this party that's going on next Saturday!"
She seemed exited. Oh god.
"But yanoe that fit guy Mike?" She continued.
"The one that looks like a waking bellend?" I asked innocently.
"He's actually very cute!"
"Well! It's his party! And I asked if you could come and he said yes so you're coming!" She was definitely smirking, I could tell it even though she wasn't here right now.
"I don't like parties-"
"Ok we get it! You're an aspiring vampire- well Riley my dear get over it! You're going to this party... Come on! It's for me! Help a gal out!"
"I don't want to help my best friend get some STI from some creep she barely knows" I sighed.
Then it was silent, oh god. She was doing it again. Silent treatment.
"Ugh! You're so spoilt- fine. I'll go. But you're paying for me and all my drinks" I said eventually. I heard my best friend squeal from the other end of the line.
"Thanks Riles! You won't regret this we'll have so much fun!" Yes I will. Already regretting it. Regret? Check.
"Sure, well bye bye now!~" I said before hanging up.

Well! This should be fun shouldn't it! Hope you enjoyed it, I'll try to update regularly ish... please bare with me 😂💙

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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